Reference Documents
To prepare at best your project website, we prepared some documents to help you go through this important activity:
All projects partners received an access to Basecamp, the collaborative project management tool. Here below you will find a user manual to guide you using this tool:
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme uses Jems, the monitoring tool developed by Interact. It is available for all applicants and partners at: https://jems.interreg-euro-med.eu/
You can find more information in the Jems portal.
You can read the user manual and watch tutorials here: General documentation
For national controllers, you can read the Practical guidance.
For project partners, you can read the Reporting guidance.
Training center
The training center offers video tutorials, free MOOCs and other useful resources to help you build and implement your project successfully.
Media kit
To describe the Programme you can use the following sentences:
One sentence
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme funds cooperation projects across 14 Mediterranean countries to build a smarter, greener, and climate-resilient region with sustainability at its core.
One paragraph
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme supports cooperation across 14 Mediterranean countries, funding projects that address shared challenges with a focus on sustainability, resilience, and smarter development. With €294 million for 2021–2027, the Programme unites public, private, and civil society partners to create a greener, climate-neutral region while enhancing governance and improving quality of life.
Full version
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find the answer to the most frequently asked questions about the Programme, tools, project application and implementation. If you do not find the answer to your question, please use the form below to send us your question. We might publish the answer here to enrich our FAQ.
- I can see that de minimis declarations are automatically created even if the state aid checks have resulted as not relevant (hence, I would expect that that partners are not concerned by state aid). Do the state aid declarations should be submitted even if the checks are negative?
- After the submission of proposal, is it possible to change or correct the name of the legal representative of an associated partner?
- Declarations can be signed electronically ?
- Partner declaration forms can be exported/downloaded from the export section of JEMS, but ONLY AFTER THE SUBMISSION OF THE APPLICATION. Does this mean that partner declaration forms, including lead partner declaration forms can be submitted after the deadline for the submission of project applications? Also, can you confirm that deminimis declaration forms need to be submitted as well? If this is the case, where can I find the template of the forms, can the forms be downloaded before the submition of the application form and what is the deadline for submitting them?
- Should the partner declaration be signed on letterhead of partner that signs the document?
- If no one has received de minimis aid from France, should we upload a de minimis declaration stating that we have not received such aid, or do we only need to upload the declaration if we have received it?
- Does the de minimis declaration applies only to aids provided by public authorities in France, or to all aids?
- What is the definition of an investment in the sense of the Programme?
- Will the Programme provide or suggest a methodology for the projects to offset CO2 emissions?
- Is the Interreg Euro-MED cooperation area defined at country or regional (NUTS2) level? Where can I find the description of eligible NUTS2 regions?
- CALL 05 – Why can’t I find where to enter Associated Partners in JEMS?
- Since the Jems platform requires both languages to be inserted even if the Manual said that we have to chose one out of 2, can I just insert in the French part N/A?
- The PDF version of the application form, exported from Jems, does not include a page for signature. How can I sign it?
- All the fields of the Application Form are filled but the “Check and submit” button still sends back that some sections are missing. What can I do ?
- Regarding travel budget, why does Jems add automatically 22% of staff costs to the flat rate? When it is for EU locations the system indicates 15%. So is it possible for Jems user to change in this case 22% to 15%?
- Are modular projects also related to missions? Some examples?
- How many Thematic Community projects will be supported? Are they related to missions?
- What is the difference between missions and specific objectives ?
- Is the concept of missions the same as in the Horizon Europe Programme ?
- As mentioned in the Manual, projects should tackle only 1 SO. However, it’s also mention that each WP of the project needs to have a SO. Do we talk about the same specific objectives?
- CALL 05 – Why can’t I find where to enter Associated Partners in JEMS?
- Can the same structure be lead partner in two different INTERREG projects simultaneously?
- Can a private nonprofit entity that wants to submit a project for instance on circular economy be concerned by de minimis?
- Which realities fall within the definition of a body governed by public law? Can a national association of municipalities or a regional environmental protection Agency being a Lead Partner, for example?
- Is it possible to include PPs from outside the Interreg Euro-MED area once the minimum partnership composition requirements have been reached?
- During the pre-application phase, do we have to mention the total eligible budget of each partner?
- Regarding travel budget, why does Jems add automatically 22% of staff costs to the flat rate? When it is for EU locations the system indicates 15%. So is it possible for Jems user to change in this case 22% to 15%?
- Regarding legal agreement on land where the activities are implemented, should this legal agreement be established before the beginning of the project, during assessment phase or could the said agreement be reached among the parts as an activity of the project during the first period of the project?
- Should only the activities related to management and reporting continue in the last 3 months?
- How detailed do external expertise, equipment and infrastructure and work have to be defined in the AF? For instance, the small scale investment is a small laboratory – do we have to input costs for every part of the equipment or can we put down a sum of costs for equipment in one line?
- Shall the mandatory activity “monitoring the project carbon footprint” and “contribution to the result amplification strategy » be a stand-alone activity in the work plan or be described in the already present activities?
- Should each activity have at least one deliverable ?
- Is there a limit to the number of activities on each WP?
- Is it mandatory that at least one WP will last for the whole duration of the project?
- In the final partnership, can there be project partners that do not implement a pilot in their territory? Meaning their collaboration in the consortium would be dedicated to other aspects.
- “Test projects are expected to experiment common instruments, policies, strategies and action plans already developed to validate concrete solutions to be transferred.” What can be considered as ‘common instruments, policies, strategies and action plans already developed’. Are they only papers or documents one? Or could an already developed methodology, tool, or technology be considered as an ‘instrument’ and therefore be appropriate if we were to test it in a different setting or environment?
- Is it also foreseen for test projects to conduct transfer and capacity-building activities themselves or will this be facilitated and implemented only by the project type that facilitates results amplification, e.g., governance projects?
- Is there a maximum duration for projects?
- When will the next calls for thematic and strategic territorial projects be launched?
- Is piloting expected from study projects?
- We have the possibility of an in-kind cofinancing, in the form of infrainstructures, coming from a private company. Would this be possible? Would in this case the name of this company be recorded as donors, and at which level would it be possible?
- Is it compulsory for the ongoing 4th Call to have at least 1 activity per WP that last for all the project duration (33 months)?
- If the project proposal submitted by the lead partner does not come from results previously obtained in programs such as Interreg EuroMed, PRIMA/HORIZON, LIFE and EMFAF (DG Sea), will the submitted proposal be automatically excluded from the evaluation?
- Can the same structure be lead partner in two different INTERREG projects simultaneously?
- Is the theme of sustainable bioeconomy, which is present in the objectives addressed in the ToR on Innovative Sustainable Economy, a condition of project eligibility or also projects that do not directly address sustainable bioeconomy can be submitted in the framework of the 4th call under this Mission 1?
- Regarding Strategic territorial projects, is it possible to overlap in terms of timetable some activities between the 3 Work Packages Study – Test – Transfer?
- In Call 05, is it possible to change or add project partners between the pre-application and the full application for an already positively evaluated partnership?
- When do Expressions of Interest have to be presented?
- CALL 05 – Why can’t I find where to enter Associated Partners in JEMS?
- Could you please clarify where the information regarding the project’s budget is detailed, in particular for the Call for proposal on Governance Projects?
- Concerning the first call for proposals and regarding the budget for external expertise and services, should we detail the budget forecast of external for the 4 first semesters only, and leave the overall remaining amount of external in the smester 5 without reallocating among the rest of the years and without any details in these costs?
- Should governance projects be based on the results of previous projects?
- Regarding the 1st call on Governance projects, in the application form, are you expecting an 80-months working plan or a shorter one?
- Could you please provide a comprehensive list of mandatory activities for Thematic Community and Institutional Dialogue projects ?
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