Contracting documents
The Subsidy Contract sets out the rights and responsibilities of the Lead Partner and the Managing Authority, as well as the main activities to be carried out and general conditions of the financing. It is generated automatically by Jems.
You can find a courtesy version here below.
The Partnership Agreement formalises the organisation of the partnership and establishes the responsibilities of the partners between each other and towards the Lead Partner for the implementation of the project. It is generated automatically by Jems. You can find a courtesy version here below.
Costs reporting
The task assignment template is a compulsory document which must be completed, signed and kept up to date for each employee declaring staff costs in the framework of an Interreg Euro-MED project. More information can be found in the Programme Manuel at Chapter III-A-vii.
To help you in filling in your project report, please read carefully these documents:
Amending my project
Request for modification of an approved project
- Partnership composition
- Budget (applicable at partner and/or project level)
- Modification or addition of project activities, with an impact on investments, key productions, or equipment
- Extension of project duration
- Administrative information
Request for an express approval of the JS
- Travel outside of the Programme area and outside of the EU
- Activities outside the Programme cooperation area and outside the EU
- New activity (not impacting key productions, equipment or investments)
- Non – monetary awards for competition winners
- Promotional items (goodies)
- Logos aiming to become a label or brand
Communication strategy
Project communication is a fundamental element and to be truly effective, however, it is necessary to have a clear overview of the objectives and how to achieve them.
In other words, each project must have a communication strategy.
Branding for Governance projects
Before using the logos, read carefully the Mission brand book.
The logos of the 4 missions for Governance projects are available here below for download:
Mission: Innovative sustainable economy
Download mission pictos
Dowload the Programme icon (leaves)
As governance projects are labelled by the Union for the Mediterranean, all external communication materials must include the UfM logo with the text “A project labelled by the UfM”.
Check the guidelines on how to use the UfM label.
Download the UfM label
All versions of UfM logo
Before using the poster template, please read the poster guidelines.
The following poster templates are dedicated to governance projects as labelled with the UfM logo:
Branding for thematic projects
Project logos are provided by the Programme to each project in all the available versions and must not be changed under any circumstances.
Before using the project logos, read carefully the Project Brand book.
Before using the poster template, please read the poster guidelines.
Download the project poster template without the UfM label:
Mission: Innovative sustainable economy
IT Tools
To prepare at best your project website, we prepared some documents to help you go through this important activity:
All projects partners received an access to Basecamp, the collaborative project management tool. Here below you will find a user manual to guide you using this tool:
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme uses Jems, the monitoring tool developed by Interact. It is available for all applicants and partners at: https://jems.interreg-euro-med.eu/
You can find more information in the Jems portal.
You can read the user manual and watch tutorials here: General documentation
For national controllers, you can read the Practical guidance.
Programme manual (last update 05/08/24) FULL VERSION
The Programme Manual aims at describing and explaining the rules applicable to proposals and projects selected within the framework of the Interreg Euro-MED Programme. You can download the first approved parts of the Manual to better understand how to build your projet.