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  • Dear William,
    We are a Science Park, located in Patras, Western Greece Region, and we own an incubator hosting 41 startups. If you are preparing an interesting (for us) proposal, related to entrepreneurship, we would love to get some information about it, and explore our potential participation in it.
    Please contact me at

    Dear Luis Miguel,
    I represent Patras Science Park, from the Region of Western Greece. We have just completed a very successful and relevant project in the ADRION programme (CreaTourES), which is quite relevant to sustainable and cultural tourism, since it dealt with the use of ICT for promoting new thematic (cultural) routes (for bikes, hiking etc.) and points of cultural and tourist interest. In the context of the project, we developed a mobile app and a web platform that you may find at:
    Please send me a note if you find it interesting and related to your proposal.
    Dr. Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos

    in reply to: Sustainable Rural Tourism #24032

    Dear Sonia,
    I represent Patras Science Park, from the Region of Western Greece. We have just completed a very successful and relevant project in the ADRION programme (CreaTourES), which is quite relevant to sustainable and rural tourism, since it dealt with the use of ICT for promoting new cultural routes (for bikes, hiking etc.) and points of cultural and tourist interest. In the context of the project, we developed a mobile app and a web platform that you may find at:
    Please send me a note if you find it interesting and related.
    Dr. Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos

    in reply to: Renewable tourism and ev #23352

    Dear Luca,
    PSP is a Science Park, located in Patras, Region of Western Greece (attached detailed profile).
    We are located in the middle of an ecosystem consisting of the neighboring University of Patras and three Research Institutes (Chemistry & High Temperatures, Informatics, ICT), the local Chamber of Commerce and the Region of Western Greece, which are the main tourism-related actors in the area.
    For the past 2,5 years, have implemented an Interreg ADRION project (CreaTourES) about sustainable and experiential tourism, cultural & creative activity and new digital technologies, which we believe that is quite relevant to your proposal, and which we can build upon. In the context of this project, we have developed a portal and app for promotion of the tourist attractions, including creation and promotion of new routes for hiking, cycling and simply visiting. Please check the project webpage ( and download the app for further information.
    Your proposal will allow us to invest more in cycling in one coastal and one mountainous bike routes, in two different but neighboring municipalities
    Please consult our webpage at for more information, and if you think that we can be a suitable partner, send me a note.
    I remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.
    Dr. Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos

    in reply to: Looking for partners – SO 2.6 #9887

    Dear Sofia,
    At Patras Science Park, in the Region of Western Greece, we have a keen interest in the aquaculture sector and blue growth in general. We have recently completed the Interreg ADRION / BlueBoost project, which is quite relevant to your proposal (
    Please send me a response if you find that our Park could be a suitable partner (
    Kind regards
    Dr. Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos

    Dear Alysson,
    I have just sent you an e-mail about our Science Park.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos

    in reply to: Osona region #9171

    Dear Anna,
    I have just sent you an e-mail, expressing our organisation’s (PSP) interest in your proposal. If you decide to go ahead with it, and you find our profile suitable, please send me some more information about your proposals.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos

    Dear Nika,
    I have just sent you an e-mail about our organization’s (PSP) interest in your proposal. If you have decided to go ahead with it, and you find our profile appropriate, please send me a note.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos

    Dear Caroline,
    I have just sent you an e-mail about our organization’s (PSP) interest in your proposal.
    Kind regards from Patras, Greece
    P. Konstantinopoulos

    Dear Conceiçao,
    We at the Patras Science Park in Western Greece are implementing an Interreg ADRION project that looks quite relevant (CreaTourES). It is about promotion of new routes that combine natural beauty and mainstream tourist interests with the Cultural and Creative Activities. In this context we have created a bike / hiking route in a mountainous area, along the course of a major local river.
    I believe we can talk more about it and our Park ( if you think that we are a suitable partner to your proposal.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos (

    Dear Carla,
    I have just sent you an e-mail, expressing our interest for your proposal.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos

    Dear Roger,
    Our Patras Science Park, located in Western Greece, is dealing with green energy and hydrogen production, as proven by its past projects, in the framework of RTD or Interreg Programmes.
    Please check our website ( and send me a note with some more details on the proposal, if you find that there is potential for us to become a suitable partner.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos

    Dear Leandro,
    I have sent you an e-mail with a detailed profile of our organization.
    Kind regards
    P. Konstantinopoulos

Viewing 13 posts - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)