Tagged: EV, Municipalities, Smart mobility, Sustainable mobility
- This topic has 14 replies, 15 voices, and was last updated 8 months, 4 weeks ago by
Valentina Buršić.
31/03/2023 at 15:03 #17048
Luka Amon
ParticipantThe World Tourism Organization refers that sustainable tourism should take full account of its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts, addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment and host communities. Based on these guidelines, the Alpine and Adriatic regions have implemented sustainable tourism strategies focused on showing their culture, landscapes, and histories. However, Covid-19, issues with air transport, and lack of public transport have increased tourism by private cars (more than 80 % of the modal split) thus contributing to the overall CO2 and noise emissions.
Considering these major challenges for the Alpine and Adriatic regions, we have designed a solution to integrate sustainable mobility technologies; electric vehicles (EV) and e-bicycles focused on developing a 1. Comprehensive and reliable EV and bicycle charging infrastructure for tourist, citizens, public transport, and businesses, 2. Accessible electric bicycles, 3. Efficient use of renewable energy and grid stability, and 4. Digitalization of touristic routes and hospitality.
The implementation requires community engagement and proactive approach towards creating a better understanding about all the pros of sustainable living by its leaders. Our aim is to reduce emissions from the transport (public and private), protect the environment, promote sustainable tourism, reduce transportation costs, increase the use of renewable energy, develop micro grids to stabilize the grid network, develop smart and digitalised tourism, and – more importantly – to create a better-quality life for people around tourism.
Our project lays a foundation in the potential transformation of any major city and its rural areas’ tourism infrastructure. For instance, tourists who drive an EV will be welcome to visit the regions without concerns that their EVs will run out of battery allowing them to enjoy bicycle ride, a local meal, or a drink. Also, unpleasant noise and the discomfort of smelling pollutants would be reduced to near zero. Everyone in the region would benefit from better air in a better city.
The short and mid-term goal of our EV charging infrastructure and cyclist routs project is also to increase the participation of business in green initiatives; tourism – Slovenia Green certification scheme, construction – Net zero certification schemes, or cultural – Climate mitigation in heritage buildings. Thus, it is expected that cleaner cities will attract more people, bring business interest, and boost a sustainable local economy.
This project is also focused on renewable energy management and grid stability. For instance, the renewable energy produced should be first consumed, then stored in batteries; and the grid should only be used when there is not enough renewable energy available. The system should create a harmonisation between the supply (renewable energy and grid) and the demand (i.e. EV chargers, electric bicycles, heat pumps, lighting, internet connected devices) without exceeding the grid capacity.
The implementation and management of the infrastructure will be executed by experts in facility and energy infrastructure management. All local requirements will be considered when deploying the wholesome solutions covering all steps from initial installation to regular maintenance.
In addition, the project will enable you to reap the benefits of becoming a smarter region. For instance, the impact on the air quality being monitored, analysis of the increased use of bicycles, efficient and alternative routes that could save time and resources, and, last but not the least, efficient utilization of the infrastructure (i.e. EV chargers) when combining it with other services (rental e-cars, e-bikes, e-scooters).
The same model can be replicated in cities, buildings, commercial properties, and industries; therefore, we are looking for a pioneer in smart mobility to implement this project together. Setting up a benchmark and leading the market to follow will enable you to have a major impact in global communities and the environment.22/04/2023 at 10:33 #17328Rachel Moor
ParticipantTourism has a great influence on the economy of any country, some live on this account alone. And it’s wonderful that people want to see new things, get to know the culture of other countries, with new people. And this did not escape our family, we try to visit somewhere once every three months, we usually travel by car. We like this way the most, and we always take the car here https://rental24h.com/usa/baltimore-airport/van
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This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Yurii Mykhailiuta.
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
Yurii Mykhailiuta.
03/03/2024 at 08:52 #23220Alex Belov
ParticipantWelcome to WinSpirit AU SAT, where entertainment knows no bounds and unforgettable experiences await around every corner in online pokies aus. As the latest project to grace the Australian landscape, WinSpirit AU SAT is poised to redefine the meaning of leisure and excitement in the region.
07/03/2024 at 13:11 #23352Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos
ParticipantDear Luca,
PSP is a Science Park, located in Patras, Region of Western Greece (attached detailed profile).
We are located in the middle of an ecosystem consisting of the neighboring University of Patras and three Research Institutes (Chemistry & High Temperatures, Informatics, ICT), the local Chamber of Commerce and the Region of Western Greece, which are the main tourism-related actors in the area.
For the past 2,5 years, have implemented an Interreg ADRION project (CreaTourES) about sustainable and experiential tourism, cultural & creative activity and new digital technologies, which we believe that is quite relevant to your proposal, and which we can build upon. In the context of this project, we have developed a portal and app for promotion of the tourist attractions, including creation and promotion of new routes for hiking, cycling and simply visiting. Please check the project webpage (https://portal.creatoures.eu/index.php/en/) and download the app for further information.
Your proposal will allow us to invest more in cycling in one coastal and one mountainous bike routes, in two different but neighboring municipalities
Please consult our webpage at http://www.psp.org.gr for more information, and if you think that we can be a suitable partner, send me a note.
I remain at your disposal for any further information you may require.
Dr. Panagiotis Konstantinopoulos08/03/2024 at 13:12 #23375Vesna Vrhovec
ParticipantDear Luca,
I am contacting you on behalf of Enter Koprivnica Ltd. https://www.enterkoprivnica.hr/en/. Enter Koprivnica is a business support organization whose role is to stimulate the entrepreneurial climate in the City of Koprivnica (Croatia) and create conditions for easier growth and development of newly founded companies. Enter Koprivnica Ltd. manages the Business Incubator and Creative Industries Incubator.Enter has experience in implementing several projects related to different topics. Some of them are EIS, RegionArts (Interreg Europe), ECOS4IN (Interreg Central Europe), ERASMUS+ projects, projects funded by the US Embassy (Food Tech Camp, Festival of Creative Industries), CODES -CO-Design for Sustainability (Creative Europe projects), Cross Border Cooperation HU-HR, and many more. We are also seen as partners who can help develop project ideas, especially in the creative industry sector, digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurship, tourism, and internationalization.
We are interested in the topic you proposed and we see ourselves as partners who can bring added value to the consortium, especially since we manage the Creative Industries Incubator, which we have conducted many workshops, and trainings, hackathons, lectures on the topic of new technologies, multisectoral collaboration, especially among creative industries and SMEs.
If your organization is looking for experienced and reliable partners, do not hesitate to contact us. I can send you our PIF and other information.
Best regards,
Vesna Vrhovec
vvrhovec@enterkoprivnica.hr12/03/2024 at 16:31 #23430Federica Mazzanti
ParticipantDear Luka,
my name is Federica Mazzanti and I’m an EU Consultant and Project Manager. I’m contacting you since I might have the perfect project partners for your proposal among my clients:
The first one is WeCity Srl SB, a pioneer in smart mobility: Wecity is a Benefit Corporation that encourages active mobility among citizens and employees through its mobile app used by Public Administrations and companies. The app, developed by the company, is able to record the user’s displacements by recognizing the vehicle used thanks to an algorithm, also in intermodal situations. Moreover, it is able to calculate the CO2 saved through such more sustainable displacements around the city. More info at http://www.wecity.it
Moreover I also have many Italian municipalities to propose you in order to implement the pilots.
If you’re interested, you can write me at federica.mazzanti@resolve-consulenza.it
Kind regards,
Federica14/03/2024 at 11:34 #23482Laetitia Amiot
ParticipantDear Luka,
We are a French Business Innovation Center and a metropolitain Economic Developement Agency that could be interested in the project’s activities concerning :
-Digitalization of touristic routes and hospitality;
-Increase the participation of business in green initiatives;
-Smart mobility.
We already have experience in supporting innovation for tourism and eco-innovation business growth.
We also manage a CityLab dedicated to experimentation management in the co-created Smart-City.
Don’t hesitate to contact us on europe@tvt.fr to see how we could help on this topic.
Kind regards,
Laetitia AMIOT
TVT Innovation
europe@tvt.fr21/03/2024 at 10:26 #23757Mario Shahini
ParticipantDear Luka,
I am writing on behalf of the Regional Council Durres, a regional public authority in Albania with a successful and vast experience of participating in EU projects. Our institution is involved in implementing sustainable economy and tourism policies at a regional level, therefore making your project idea very relevant to our institution and region. Please do not hesitate to contact me at shahinimario@yahoo.com for further communications.
Best regards
Mario Shahini
08/04/2024 at 16:27 #24230Kreo Association
ParticipantDear Luca,
We are interested to create a partnership for this project. We have experience on tourism infrastructure, digitalization of tourism, protection of the environment, promoting sustainable tourism etc.
Also we have a big network with different stakeholders, institutions and businesses in Albania.
Please contact us on info@organizatakreo.org to find ways of collaboration.
Thank you,
Kreo Association
This reply was modified 10 months ago by
Kreo Association.
10/04/2024 at 08:59 #24299Srđan Asanovic
ParticipantHello Luca,
We are interested in creating a partnership for this project. We have experience in tourist infrastructure, environmental protection, promotion of sustainable tourism, etc.
We also have a large network with different stakeholders, institutions and companies in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Please contact us at info@ipdh.biz.
Thank you,
Srđan Asanović
11/04/2024 at 09:20 #24334Danilo Crastolla
I saw your post in the partner search tool .
I like your proposal and I will be delighted to supply to you ITALIAN and GREEK partners.
On the other hand stay tuned because we can cooperate for many other calls and programmes for which we are working with. If you agree send me an email to estero@crastolla.com and i can share all partner’s details.We can also cooperate for any EU calls including Interreg Europe, Next Med, Euro Med, Cerv, Daphne, Crea, Horizon etc
Best regards
Danilo Crastolla
0039 371 448244414/05/2024 at 12:22 #25226Gabrijela Kustera Franin
ParticipantDear Luka,
I’m contacting you in the name of Zadar County Rural Development Agency, which coordinates and implements activities related to the development of the County. AGRRA is in charge of international and interregional cooperation, as well as implementation of EU funded projects.
AGRRA is interested to join as a partner (but not as a lead partner) in this call so if you are preparing a project proposal and if you are interested in collaborating with us I kindly ask you to let me know and we can schedule an online meeting.
Thank you for considering this opportunity, and I look forward to your reply.Best regards,
Gabrijela Kuštera Franin, dipl. ing. agr.
Viši stručni suradnik/Senior Associate
Agencija za ruralni razvoj Zadarske županije / Zadar County Rural Development Agency
Ivana Mažuranića 28A, 23 000 Zadar, Croatia
tel: +385 (0)23 628 452; fax: +385 (0)23 628 455
gabrijela.kustera@agrra.hr; http://www.agrra.hr15/05/2024 at 12:40 #25250Nedzad Jusufhodzic
ParticipantThe Chamber of Commerce of Zenica-Doboj Canton (CC ZDC) is private non-profit institution with legal personality (business support organization). We are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and looking to join partnership as IPA project partner. CC ZDC is involved, in addition to commerce, also in industry and all other economic activities.
CC ZDC has more than 15 years of experience in the implementation of governmental funded, domestic and abroad-funded projects. CC ZDC has already implemented several EU-funded projects. It possesses human and financial resources for the implementation of different projects and developed a network of experts from Ministries, Local Development Agencies, the University of Zenica, the Tourist Board, Museums, Cultural institutions, NGOs, SMEs, media, etc.
Thematic competences:
• Assessment of the current situation;
• Networking;
• Best practices transfer;
• Identification of innovative business tools and supporting innovation;
• Implementation and development of different Pilot actions;
• Creation of professional and scientific research studies;
• Education and employment of the unemployed labour force in accordance with the needs of the companies;
• Business education and business environment improvement.Project teams and staff: CC ZDC has 6 full time employees (4 employees with previous experience in implementation of EU funded projects).
CC ZDC is searching to join consortium as IPA Project partner. For all additional information, please contact us.
Contact information:
Nedzad Jusufhodzic, mr.iur.
Address: Mehmedalije Tarabara 15, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T: +387 32 465 851
F: +387 32 465 852
E: pkzedo@bih.net.ba
I: http://www.pkzedo.ba16/05/2024 at 08:51 #25287Valentina Buršić
ParticipantDear Luka,
I’m writing on behalf of AZRRI – Agency for regional development which was founded with the specific purpose of connecting the public and private sectors, implementing development projects and coordinating production-wise in the rural areas of Istria County, Croatia. AZRRI supports and coordinates development programmes vital for keeping the rural areas lively and improves the quality of life of the rural population by uniting the primary agricultural production, local transformation process and service sector into business clusters, especially in the field of the promotion, protection and valorisation of regional, typical, autochthon, added value food products.
One of the main goals of the Agency is to create opportunities for sustainable agri-food, farming and tourism sector and technologically resilient and advanced field-to-table food systems which aligns with your suggested project ideas.With a specific aim of conducting projects and activities vital for the development and revitalisation of the Istria County rural area, AZRRI had implemented numerous international projects, which had a great impact on the economic activities as well as on the regional development, growth and employment. One of the most successful projects are ECOVINEGOALS, PASTINNOVA, CIREVALC, MEDFEST, KeyQ+, TESTEATE, WELLFOOD ACTION, KEY Q and many others.
We are interested in digitalization of touristic routes and hospitality and would like to cooperate with you, please contact us with more information about the ideas on valentina.bursic@azrri.hr
Best regards,
Valentina Buršić
Mob: +385 91 6207 653 -
This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by
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