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  • Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear Mr. Efegil,

    Our company conducted a study and assessment of the state of the main social, economic and environmental problems of the agrarian sector in the areas bordering the Greece and |Bulgaria and the role of young people in solving them. We have expertise in training young change agents under the project “Active farmers for climate change adaptation”. The aim of the project was to stimulate the active participation and engagement of farmers and students from agricultural universities in Bulgaria with the problems of environmental protection and adaptation of farms to climate change. Main outcomne was the Guide “The best practices for the active involvement of students and farmers in the policies on CCA and environmental protection”.
    We are happy to exchange and promote knowledge transfer and experimentation to further develop best practices in Bulgaria through joining your consortium. We are ready to contrubute further in concept preparation and more. If you wish to consider our involvement, please, contact me at

    Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear Chrsitophe,

    ABERON is a Bulgarian, Sofia based research and consulting company, working in the broad area of environment, with a track record on waste management, waste water and NBS for waste water treatment and waste for energy. We are coopearting with over 54 Bulgarian municipalitioes on waste prevention and ewaste treatment.
    As one of the leading East European wine manufacturer and hney producer, Bulgaria would be a valuable and a valid partner in a Transfer project on your topic.
    I would appreciate it very much if you shed light on our offer and discuss further how we can contribute to concept preparation and more.

    Kind regards,

    Cveta Dimitrova

    Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear Karim,

    We, are ABERON OOD., a Bulgarian, Sofia based private research and consultancy company, with expertise in designing and implementing climate related adaptation measures, such as NBS, green belts and vertical gardens for minimizing CO2 emissions.
    Through own IT subsidiary we develop different tools and platforms for DRM, EWS and data monitoring in real life.

    We are therefore, very interested in joining the partnership and contributing to the project implementation.

    I would like to hear more about your proposal but meanwhile stay in touch through

    Best regards,


    Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear Mauro,

    We, ABERON OOD., a private Bulgarian research and consulting company have expertise in biodiversity protection and ecosystem services assessment. We have worked with the JRC on evaluating the direct and indirect benefits from Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment in urban areas and for flood retention. We are familiar with the legal aspects in designing green corridors, regenerating depleted urban areas and building vertical gardens.

    A proposal under the above topic will require several aspects – urban planning (legislation), GIS, combatting pollution, social and economic benefits, why not clean energy production?

    Based on the above, feel free to contact me on in order to discuss potential cooperation.

    Bets regards,


    Cveta Dimitrova

    in reply to: Osona region #9639
    Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear Ana,

    We are ABERON OOD., a Bulgarian private research and consulting company, active in the wide environmental area with sound track record in ecosystem services assessment, agroecology, climate change adaptation and green energy transition. We are interested in:

    1. Transformation of the agro-food system towards sustainability and circular economy.
    2. Digital transformation of industry, administration and society.

    We have developed a Balkan protocol, roadmap and an ICT tool to calculate the CO2 emissions in agriculture, minimise the use of resource and contribute to the circular economy.
    On the second topic we may support you in the architecture of an ICT platform for digitalisation of services, mapping, visualisation and decision making. We can handle all horizontal tasks, such as dissemination, education and capitalisation.

    If you are happy to discuss further, please, contact me on

    P.S. I have worked in Madrid for Red2Red Consultores..:-)

    Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear All,

    We, ABERON OOD., a private Bulgarian research and consulting company have expertise in biodiversity protection and ecosystem services assessment. We have worked with the JRC on evaluating the direct and indirect benefits from Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for wastewater treatment in urban areas and for flood retention. We are familiar with the legal aspects in designing green corridors, regenerating depleted urban areas and building vertical gardens.

    A proposal under the above topic will require several aspects – urban planning (legislation), GIS, combatting pollution, social and economic benefits, why not clean energy production?

    Based on the above, feel free to contact me on in order to discuss potential cooperation.

    Bets regards to all,

    Cveta Dimitrova

    in reply to: Consortium seeking partners (and lead) #9630
    Cveta DimitrovaCveta Dimitrova

    Dear Mr. Williams,

    ABERON OOD. is a Bulgarian private research and consulting company with sound experience in the environmental area with specific track record in ecosystems assessment, NBS disaster risk management and lately clean energy transition.
    We have conducted an assessment of the ecosystem services for heathland and shrubs as well as the agroecosystems in Bulgaria, funded by the EEA Grants. Myself, I have been part of the MAES group in the European Commission, working on methodologies for ecosystems valuation.
    We have worked on restoring the zoobenthic systems in the Black Sea, sea bottom mapping, gathering data for marine biodiversity and maritime surveillance.
    Saying that, we would be keen to join you in this endeavor and contribute both technically with drafting the proposal and hopefully, later, with the project implementation.

    For further information, please, contact me @

    Kind regards

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