
We would like to join a consortium. we are especially interested in circular eco

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  • #24301
    Srđan AsanovicSrđan Asanovic

    Instittute for the progress and development of Herzegovina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a regional development organization established in 2015, with a focus on participating in EU projects and rich experience in regional development. Our organization actively collaborates with local governments, ministries, civil society organizations, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, emergency services, cultural centers, tourist organizations, and others. We also stand out for our strong network of partnerships, enabling us to implement high-quality and sustainable projects tailored to the community’s needs. We are open to cooperation on InterregMed projects and invite our community to join us in achieving sustainable development and progress goals.We would like to join a consortium. we are especially interested in circular economy projects and sustainable tourism projects but we are open to other topics.

    Diego De GaetanoDiego De Gaetano

    Good afternoon, I am Diego De Gaetano Chairman and founder of Greenvincible S.r.l. innovative start-up operating in the sector of WEEE recycling technologies.
    We have a patented process that we are currently implementing in Italy.
    We are available to make our technology, our organization and the skills of our team available for participation in a European tender.
    It would be a pleasure to collaborate with a structure like yours.
    Available for further information.
    Thank you

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