
LEADER for VitaRuralMED Project


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  • #9929
    Leandro OliveiraLeandro Oliveira

    I hope you are all well.

    I am looking for a LEADER for the VitaMEDRural project, this is inspired by the MEDFEST project (developed on the previous InterregMED).

    We need a strong leader with experience in interreg projects to give good input in writing the proposal.

    My institution (Universidade Lusofona – Lisbon, Portugal) is a private organization so it cannot be the leader.

    VitaMEDRural aims revitalize rural areas through entrepreneurship in endogenous resources and diversification of products and services provided.

    Some activities to be developed:
    – Creating a community of practice
    – Mapping of skills, and assessment of needs and opportunities in rural areas of intervention
    – Enhance endogenous products through the development of new products
    – Raising awareness of entrepreneurship in rural areas
    – Development of a website/mobile application with walking trails that include visits to agricultural producers and artisanal processing companies, using geographic information systems and virtual visits.

    With best regards,
    Leandro Oliveira

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