
University of basilicata looking for partners proj. climate change adaptation

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  • #24208
    Ana Radović KaporAna Radović Kapor

    Dear Biagio,

    I am reaching out on behalf of RERA, a public institution for coordination and development of Split-Dalmatia county in Croatia. Some of our numerous projects include:
    – The CO-EVOLVE project (InterregMED) aimed to analyze and promote the harmonization of human activities with natural systems in touristic coastal areas, while considering the consequences of climate change. The ultimate aim of the project was to enable the sustainable development of tourist activities and coexistence and synergy with other uses of the coastal and marine area and resources, all based on the principle of integral management of the coastal area. The CO-EVOLVE project has resulted in action plans for sustainable tourism and the Coastal Area Management Plan for the City of Kaštela. The primary goal of the plan is to promote sustainable development based on tourism while focusing on coastal protection measures as a key factor in preserving the coastal area, especially the Kastela castles. The castles are significantly threatened by climate change, particularly sea-level rise and flooding.
    – CHANGE WE CARE project (Interreg Italy Croatia), we crafted a Climate Change Adaptation plan for the river Jadro area in Split-Dalmatia county, alongside compiling a cadastre of coastal infrastructure.
    – ADRIACLIM (Interreg Italy Croatia) whose objectives were to enhance climate change adaptation capacity in coastal areas developing homogeneous and comparable data, to improve knowledge, capacity and cooperation on climate change observing and modeling systems, and to develop advanced information system, tools and indicators for optimal climate change adaptation planning.
    -We also participated in the creation of the Coastal Plan for Split-Dalmatia county.

    We are actively seeking partnerships on projects to coordinate and carry out the necessary steps for the implementation of the measures outlined in the plans. As we have extensive experience in preparing and implementing EU projects, specifically in the area of climate change, we can provide valuable knowledge and expertise to facilitate the adoption and transfer of knowledge in this field.

    My email is: We are looking forward to our future collaboration!

    All the best,

    Auleda VloreAuleda Vlore

    Dear Biagio,

    Auleda – Local Economic Development Agency is an experienced organization in the southern part of Albania. We have a good experience participating in Interreg projects and we are actually implementing a Euro-Med project. In any case you might need a partner from Albania to include in your consortium, please feel free to contact us at or



    Emilio SolaEmilio Sola

    Dear Biagio,

    We think your project focused on sustainable tourism in coastal regions is very interesting and timely. We, Conceptto Spain, are a company representing several research institutes, Universities and private companies in the fields of action of the project that could be a good match for your initiative.

    Do not hesitate to contact me in order to go forward:

    I remain at your disposal

    Kind regards from sunny Malaga, Spain

    Emilio Sola

    Sanda RakocevicSanda Rakocevic

    Dear Biagio,

    I am writing on behalf of Community Impact Accelerator – Zid (ADP-Zid), a non-profit NGO based in Podgorica, Montenegro, in the hopes of joining your consortium.

    Through the course of nearly 30 years since ADP-Zid was established, we have participated in several Interreg Danube and Interreg Cro-BiH-MNE projects, as well as numerous EU-funded programs. We are also the Info Centre for ESF+ and EaSI strand programs in Montenegro, as well as the contact point for the European programs Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.

    The programs and projects we conduct are in terms of cross- border cooperation, green and digital economy growth, sustainable tourism, creative industries, promoting social innovations and entrepreneurship, education and youth participation process, regulating the job market and developing the concept of affordable housing.

    One of the projects we have implemented that particularly pertains to this topic is “Child Friendly Tourism in the Cross Border Region”, CBC Montenegro – Albania. During the course of the project, we focused on encouraging the tourism industry to sustainably develop its services using ICT.

    Additionally, we are currently working on creating a prototype of used car transformed from internal combustion engine into electric one through the project “Exploring green energy potential in Montenegrin transport system”, IPA II.

    If you recognize Montenegro as a valuable region for the realization of the project and ADP-Zid as a potential new partner, we look forward to our further cooperation. Should you have any more questions, we could organize a Zoom, Teams or Skype meeting to address any matters that need to be discussed.

    For more information, please contact us via email on or

    Zarja ŠinkovecZarja Šinkovec


    I am writing on behalf of our NGO, Planet to the 3rd Power, Institute for interdisciplinary development from Slovenia. We like your project idea and would love to collaborate in some way. Are you still searching for additional consortium partners? If yes, feel free to contact us here and we can discuss our collaboration further:

    With kind regards,


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