- This topic has 28 replies, 26 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 3 weeks ago by
Todorka Atanasova.
23/04/2024 at 17:04 #24688
ersilia incelli
ParticipantDear Sonia,
we are a group of linguists (discourse and communication analysis) and economic geographers from Rome University Sapienza.
We would be very much interested in developing our ideas with you on a rural tourism project. This is an area which is underexplored especially in Italy.
Please let us know and we will share our ideas,
ersilia.incelli@uniroma1.it25/04/2024 at 09:57 #24736Andrea Smolić
ParticipantDear Sonia,
I am writing on behalf of the Institution for the Development of Competence, Innovation and Specialisation of Zadar county INOVAcija. Our strategic goals are following:
– Enchancing research-development and business infrastructure;
– Creation of a network of economic operators based on knowledge and high technologies;
– Strengthen Zadar County and turn it into an attractive development-oriented economic area.Over the years, we worked on various projects of a similar nature, delivering successful outcomes. We are open to new ideas and innovative approaches and we are looking to join as partner into this call.
Feel free to contact us to share project and activities information on: andrea.smolic@inovacija-zadar.hr
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Andrea Smolić26/04/2024 at 12:46 #24844Eriona Kaceli
ParticipantDear Sonia,
Albanian National Tourism Agency is a public institution depending on the Ministry of Tourism and Environment. The National Tourism Agency implements the marketing policies in the field of tourism, promoting Albanian tourism on national and international level. Our agency has been previously part of several cooperation projects in partnership with Italian and Greek partners under IPA FUNDS. We continue to be interested in being involved in such projects. Our role has been generally as a partner. Our interest is directed in tourism-related topics. Sustainable rural tourism is a topic of interest for the agency.
In case you are interested please contact us at: eriona.kaceli@akt.gov.al
Eriona30/04/2024 at 09:10 #24953Natasa Bastinac
ParticipantDear Sonia, we are from City Development Agency Banja Luka (Bosnia and Herzegovina). We are interetsed in your project proposal. If you are interested in accepting us in the consortium you can write to us via e-mail natasa.bastinac@cidea.org
30/04/2024 at 09:29 #24956Natali Bernatović
ParticipantDear Sonia,
We at Invento Capital Partners are interested in joining your consortium. As a HUB for EIT Urban Mobility, we bring significant expertise in sustainability and connections to relevant stakeholders. For more information about us, please visit https://inventocapitalpartners.eu or contact me directly at natali.bernatovic@optimizacija.hr.
Natali30/04/2024 at 09:45 #24962Franco Di Andrea
ParticipantWe’re interested in joining your project and partnership. Antroposervice Sas is a creative Italian SME, main partner in the “Festival dei due Parchi” (www.antroposervice.it ; http://www.festivaldeidueparchi.it) aiming to rediscovering and highlighting the “common sense” of a creative part of the territory of the two National Parks of Monti Sibillini and Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga, straddling the Italian regions: Abruzzo, Marche, Lazio, Umbria, in order to let citizens responsibly and creatively regain a sense of belonging to the territories, to protect and valorise them, with the languages of art, culture and sport starting from the wonderful environmental, naturalistic and cultural microcosm. Within the Festival, Antroposervice Sas has successfully conceived and organized since its inception more than 100 events, creatively using the languages of art, culture and sport, originally combining cultural and natural heritage, to propose a deep love for the beauty of nature, of artistic, cultural, anthropological and social traditions, aimed to developing new tourism opportunities based on the creative combination of natural and cultural heritage.
Among others, the “Festival dei due Parchi” and its events are based on raising awareness and organizing sustainable initiatives aiming to the protection and valorisation of natural eco-systems from anthropogenic exploitation, to the protection of natural habitats and biodiversity to help people develop a sense of profound respect for natural eco-systems and their interconnection with human life. Antroposervice staff also provides national/international training activities for the update of professionals and experts in different fields: environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship, adult education, school education and youth, also designing innovative training modules and programmes for entrepreneurship, employability and creativity in general through proprietary learning ecosystems based on metaphorical systems withdrawn from the languages of art and European mythology to reinforce the so-called “life skills” of individuals such as, for instance: creative and critical thinking, deep and effective communication, interpersonal relationship, empathy and emotions.07/05/2024 at 08:46 #25092Andrea Smolić
ParticipantDear Sonia,
I am writing on behalf of the Institution for the Development of Competence, Innovation and Specialisation of Zadar county INOVAcija. Our strategic goals are following:
– Enchancing research-development and business infrastructure;
– Creation of a network of economic operators based on knowledge and high technologies;
– Strengthen Zadar County and turn it into an attractive development-oriented economic area.Over the years, we worked on various projects of a similar nature, delivering successful outcomes. We are open to new ideas and innovative approaches and we are looking to join as partner into this call.
Feel free to contact us to share project and activities information on: andrea.smolic@inovacija-zadar.hr
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Andrea Smolić10/05/2024 at 08:42 #25136Eriona Kaceli
ParticipantDear Sonia
I’ m writing on behalf of National Tourism Agency in Albania. Our agency has been previously part of several cooperation projects in partnership with Italian and Greek partners. We continue to be interested in being involved in such projects. Our interest is directed to tourism related topics. Hence, we would be very happy to partner with you and other entities in bringing forward regional project idea.
The topic is very interesting as directly related to tourism and its development. We would be very interested in discussing a possible collaboration in the project.
Please feel free to contact us at eriona.kaceli@akt.gov.al to discuss this possible involvement of ANTA in the project.
10/05/2024 at 11:05 #25140Desislava Mincheva
ParticipantDear Sonia,
I’m writing on behalf of National Tourism Cluster “Bulgarian Guide” (a tourist and a destination management organisation), focused on sustainable tourism development. We cover the entire territory of Bulgaria and recently our activities are focused on remote and rural areas. We are well experienced in Interreg and other EU-funded projects, all of them related to sustainable tourism practices. We’ll be glad to bring on board our expertise and experience. Feel free to contact us at: info@bg-guide.org.
Best regards,
Desislava10/05/2024 at 12:53 #25145Emilio Sola
ParticipantDear Sonia and Interreg participants,
We are very interested in this topic and potential partnership opportunities. I am replying to this useful forum on behalf of The Ucles Foundation, a non-profit private organization in Spain, that manages the Ucles Monastery, an extraordinary historical monument of XVI century located in a rural area of extraordinary value.
The Monastery of Ucles is more than a touristic historical monument, it is a living and unique space with an innovative approach in terms of cultural offer, including exhibitions, conferences, concerts and educational activities. Indeed, the Monastery has been awarded with the prize of the Observatory of Culture for the variety and quality of its cultural activities. Please visit: https://monasteriodeucles.esWe have years of experience coordinating European projects, we can be applicants or partners, we cooperate with several public institutions and our group of companies includes potential partners to be involved with capacities in fields such as training, VET centers, digitalization or creation of related content.
Do not hesitate to reach out me for further info, ideas or project opportunities!: emilio.sola@conceptto.net
Kind regards from Spain
Emilio Sola
14/05/2024 at 09:07 #25214Andrea Smolić
ParticipantDear Sonia,
I am writing on behalf of the Institution for the Development of Competence, Innovation and Specialisation of Zadar county INOVAcija. Our strategic goals are following:
– Enchancing research-development and business infrastructure;
– Creation of a network of economic operators based on knowledge and high technologies;
– Strengthen Zadar County and turn it into an attractive development-oriented economic area.I find Your project proposal very interesting and would love to know more about it. We are open to new ideas and innovative approaches and we are looking to join as partner into this call.
Feel free to contact us to share project and activities information on: andrea.smolic@inovacija-zadar.hr
Looking forward to your reply.
Best regards,
Andrea Smolić16/05/2024 at 08:34 #25281Valentina Buršić
ParticipantDear Sonia,
AZRRI – Agency for regional development founded with the specific purpose of connecting the public and private sectors, implementing development projects and coordinating production-wise in the rural areas of Istria County, Croatia. AZRRI supports and coordinates development programmes vital for keeping the rural areas lively and improves the quality of life of the rural population by uniting the primary agricultural production, local transformation process and service sector into business clusters, especially in the field of the promotion, protection and valorisation of regional, typical, autochthon, added value food products.
One of the main goals of the Agency is to create opportunities for sustainable agri-food, farming and tourism sector and technologically resilient and advanced field-to-table food systems which aligns with your suggested project ideas.With a specific aim of conducting projects and activities vital for the development and revitalisation of the Istria County rural area, AZRRI had implemented numerous international projects, which had a great impact on the economic activities as well as on the regional development, growth and employment. One of the most successful projects are ECOVINEGOALS, PASTINNOVA, CIREVALC, MEDFEST, KeyQ+, TESTEATE, WELLFOOD ACTION, KEY Q and many others.
We are interested in your project ideas and would like to cooperate with you, please contact us with more information about the ideas on valentina.bursic@azrri.hr
Best regards,
Valentina Buršić
Mob: +385 91 6207 65316/05/2024 at 14:42 #25304Jean-Michel CATANI
ParticipantCADEC (Caisse de Développement de la Corse / Corsican development fund) is a financial company (public/private shareholding) based in Corsica and whose purpose is to finance Small and Medium-sized Enterprises through the mobilization of financial instruments (loans at preferential rates, equity loans, guarantees).
We have funded more than 2400 projects in 12 years, and dedicate more than 33% of our resources to supporting the tourism sector, with a desire to support investments designed in an environmentally responsible approach.
We have experience in the mobilisation of EU funds (ERDF OP 2007-2013, 2014-2020) in the form of financial instruments and have already participated in an INTERREG project focused on the circular economy (EMBRACE PROJECT)
Aware of the importance of the search for sustainability for tourism, especially on an island subject to a high seasonal tourist influx, we would be delighted to collaborate in your projectJM CATANI
jmcatani@cadec.corsica13/09/2024 at 11:10 #27456Todorka Atanasova
ParticipantDear Ms. Sonia Geromino,
On behalf of Varna Economic Development Agency – an NGO, established in 1997 in Bulgaria, we are interested to join your project proposal.
Currently, we are a partner organization and implement an EuroMed project, called “TOURISMO – TOURism Innovative and Sustainable Management of flOws” – https://tourismo.interreg-euro-med.eu/. Also, we are carrying out the Danube Interreg Project called “DANUBE WOOD(s)ROUTE – Richness of Danube forests and wood cultural heritage (tangible, intangible) – way towards sustainable green tourism embedded in European cultural route of Danube timber” – https://interreg-danube.eu/projects/danube-woodsroute
We have also experience in other multinational projects related to rural tourism , project “PIRT – Promoting Innovative Rural Tourism in the Black Sea Basin region ” , cultural tourism , project “NETWORLD- Networking in preserving the First World War multicultural heritage in the Danube countries”, and youth tourism, project “mAPP My Europe – Facilitate and Promote a Modern Access to Cultural Heritage”, realized under the Danube Program (2014-2020), JOP Black sea basin programs , and Erasmus+. More info about our organization can be found following http://www.veda-bg.eu.
We will be glad to collaborate with you and to contribute to your project idea with our experience.
In case you need a technological partner, we can recommend one reliable and experienced ITC company from Varna, able to support dissemination and training activities with web- and portals’ design & maintaining, software development, social media, producing online publications: newsletters, brochures, roll banners, infographics, etc., online maps and training platforms.
Kind regards,
Todorka Dimitrova
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