Tagged: district heating, green economy, green hydrogen
- This topic has 22 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 4 months ago by
Ivana Bašljan Puceković.
02/08/2022 at 16:38 #9335
Sonia Merlo
ParticipantDear Roger,
My name is Sonia Merlo, I’m project manager at Red Raion (https://redraion.com/), an independent CGI studio specialised in media-based attractions and smart content for entertainment and culture. We are based in Sicily, the largest island in the Mediterranean. The mission of the company is to support institutions, museums, cultural centers, and tourism operators in choosing the most efficient immersive contents for their VR, XD and interactive attractions.
Our expertise can be summarised as follows:
– Development of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications for culture and tourism.
– Production of CGI interactive content for any kind of hardware support and attraction.
– Production of custom VR / 5D movies / Dome movies.
– Development of top quality Video Games, Serious Games and Gamification applications.
– Experience in the technical process of publishing commercial video games.
– Experience in project dissemination and exploitation.If you want to discuss any potential cooperation in the development of this project or other similar opportunities, please do not hesitate to contact me at s.merlo@redraion.com
Kind Regards,
Sonia Merlo18/08/2022 at 08:42 #9703Rafael Tsoukalidis
ParticipantDear Roger hello.
We are interested in considering your concept further, with the participation of end user and/or tester, a Greek Municipality.In case of interest, please contact us at: dd.petrich@gmail.com
with kind regards,
Rafael Tsoukalidis23/08/2022 at 15:51 #9769MONICA SALVIATO
ParticipantDear Roger Bargallò Marcos,
I hope this email finds you well.
My name is Monica and I am contacting you on behalf of the Municipality of Spinea, located in the Venetian Region. I am reaching out to you after reading your post “Looking for consortium partners – Municipality of Ascó”, on the Interreg Euro-MED website. I am very interested in your project proposal and I would like very much to discuss further the project’s activities in order to explore potential cooperation opportunities.
You may as well contact me at: monica.salviato@comune.spinea.ve.itFinally, kindly see a brief presentation of the Municipality of Spinea:
The Municipality of Spinea is established near Venice (IT) and it is in charge of all administrative functions regarding its population and territory of Spinea, with a specific focus on services devoted to citizens and community, local territory and economic development, safety and culture. Moreover, Spinea will be European City of Sport in 2023.Do not hesitate to contact me for any further information.
I look forward to hearing from you soon,Best regards.
Monica29/08/2022 at 10:55 #9828Katia Chiriatti
ParticipantDear Roger the National Energy Technological Cluster, is interested in joining your project proposal. Located in Southern Italy, the cluster is composed by universities, research centers and private companies working on the environment and energy topics. The cluster is involved in many R&D international projects and cooperation projects. It is also working with municipalities, regional authorities and local communities on the RES, energy efficiency and hydrogen issues. Please, let me know more details on your proposal if you think we can collaborate.
Best Regards,
Katia Chiriatti07/09/2022 at 15:49 #10055Ferdinando Rossi
ParticipantDear Roger,
my name is Ferdinando Rossi and I work for Lazio Region (Italy).
We are managing right now an Interreg Europe project for the promotion of the use of hydrogen in the field of urban mobility:
https://projects2014-2020.interregeurope.eu/smarthyaware/However, we are fully aware of the huge potentiality of the hydrogen for the urban areas and, in particular, for buildings heating.
If you are still looking for partners and, in particular, if you need an Italian partner, please do not hesitate to contact me for further discussions.
My mail address is: ferdinando.rossi@regione.lazio.it.My best regards,
Ferdinando10/09/2022 at 13:28 #10172Todorka Atanasova
We are contacting you on behalf of Varna Economic Development Agency – VEDA (www.veda-bg.eu, office@veda-bg.eu)
This is to express our interest to join your consortium. We have experience in the realization of multinational projects, funded under the H2020, JOP Black sea basin, Interreg Danube, Erasmus+. We were a National Contact Point for CIP Eco-Innovation Program.
Kind regards,
Todorka Dimitrova13/10/2022 at 15:53 #12665Kristina Radoš Cvišić
ParticipantDear Roger,
My name is Kristina and I am contacting you on behalf of the Laboratory for Renewable Energy Systems at UNIZG-FER ( https://www.lares.fer.hr ). We offer the expertise in mathematical optimization for optimal investment sizing, short-term-ahead operations planning or prediction of certain time-dependent/weather-dependent variables for green technical solutions and infrastructure.
We are a partner in the project DanuP-2-Gas (Interreg Danube 2014-20, http://www.interreg-danube.eu/danup-2-gas ) where we deal with power-to-gas hub investment optimal sizing software; and Store4HUC (Interreg Central Europe 2014-20, https://www.interreg-central.eu/Store4HUC ) where we have created a PV+battery-system add-on optimal sizing tool for an end-consumer and a tool for day-ahead optimal scheduling of a heat source connected to a heat storage.
In case you need a design or modification of a tool for sizing of the system you envision or its scheduling, or both, feel free to contact us.
Best regards,
Kristina13/10/2022 at 15:53 #11281Ivana Bašljan Puceković
ParticipantThis is a partnering offer. Laboratory for Renewable Energy Systems at UNIZG-FER ( https://www.lares.fer.hr ) offers the expertise in mathematical optimization for optimal investment sizing, short-term-ahead operations planning or prediction of certain time-dependent/weather-dependent variables, for green technical solutions and infrastructure. Within the optimizations we can consider also demand response behaviour in a specific set-up. Application in real-time environment as model predictive control in a receding horizon fashion is also possible but is subject to available IT infrastructure which needs to be put in place through a potential piloting activity.
Interreg experience: we are coordinators of the finished 3Smart project (Interreg Danube 2014-20, https://www.interreg-danube.eu/3smart ) dealing with optimization in buildings and infrastructure and a partner in the following current Interreg projects: DanuP-2-Gas (Interreg Danube 2014-20, http://www.interreg-danube.eu/danup-2-gas ) where we deal with power-to-gas hub investment optimal sizing software; and Store4HUC (Interreg Central Europe 2014-20, https://www.interreg-central.eu/Store4HUC ) where we have created a PV+battery-system add-on optimal sizing tool for an end-consumer and a tool for day-ahead optimal scheduling of a heat source connected to a heat storage.
EU framework programmes experience: Prediction of water demands in different points in the distribution network within FP7 UrbanWater ; predictive control and optimization in management and coordination of entities in the urban water cycle: freshwater treatment plant, water distribution system, sewerage network and wastewater treatment plant within the H2020 project REWAISE ( http://rewaise.eu).
Other EU projects: Prediction and optimisation of crop growth in smart agriculture and climate changes, with artificial intelligence in weather forecasting as part of ERDF grant AgroSPARC (https://www.icent.hr/agrosparc).
Within the scope of an Interreg project we usually perform an optimization software solution design applicable to be readily used by an end-user. We apply it and test it to support piloting activities or to support build-up of transnational strategies by providing quantitative outputs of the optimization software applied in different transnational set-ups as well as the analyses of these outputs.
If interested, feel free to contact us at ivana.basljanpucekovic@fer.hr .
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