
Integrating Intergenerational Perspectives in Urban development

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  • #24300
    Francesca CassaroFrancesca Cassaro

    Cooperativa FAI Padua, with over 40 years of experience in providing care for the elderly, children, and families, is keen on integrating an intergenerational perspective into urban and spatial development policies to foster social sustainability. FAI emphasizes the importance of including the elderly’s insights in urban planning, advocating for mixed-age living spaces, and designing accessible, inclusive urban spaces that encourage interaction among all generations. The cooperative aims to expand its successful co-housing models to incorporate intergenerational living, partner with educational institutions for mutual learning opportunities, and organize activities that bridge the age gap. Through research, policy advocacy, and innovative programs, FAI seeks to document the benefits of intergenerational interaction, such as improved mental health and social cohesion, and to set a precedent for sustainable community building. FAI is open for cooperation with other partners to co-develop or join consortia that may be interested in this expertise. For further information feel free to write an email to

    ersilia incelliersilia incelli

    As a group of linguists and economic geographers, we would be interested in joining a consortium for this type of project .

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