
Circular Economy, Green Skills

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  • #23899
    Roberta FerraraRoberta Ferrara

    SI4LIFE (Liguria Region, Italy) is an innovative SME working on European projects dealing with social politics and welfare, health and active ageing, innovation and research. We are specialized in: Design and development of educational platforms; Design of continuing education (up-skill) of social and health care professionals (social and health care); European standards in the field of professional training; ICT solutions and devices for home monitoring/rehabilitation; Devices for the diagnosis and compensation of cognitive and sensory disabilities.

    Visit our website:

    We are searching for partners for a project on Circular Economy and Green skills in European SMEs
    If interested, please write to:

    Renato ColonnaRenato Colonna

    Hi, Roberta

    I am writing on behalf of GAL Molise verso 2000, situated in region of Molise (Italy).
    GAL is a limited liability consortium company founded in 1994 with the aim of designing, implementing and managing initiatives in the field of Local, National and European development.

    I propose as we could offer technical assistance and coordination service for the development of project.
    Our working group has certified experience in the sector also and above all regarding European projects.
    In this specific case we could take care of organizing and publicizing the event, involving experts and the population, in such a way as to make the topic known as much as possible.

    For further info you can contact the following addresses:
    e-mail: or

    Best regards

    Mario ShahiniMario Shahini

    Dear Roberta,

    I am writing on behalf of the Regional Council Durres, a regional public authority covering 3 municipalities in Albania, with a successful and vast experience of participating in EU projects. Our institution is involved in implementing sustainable economy, tourism and environmental policies at a regional level. Please do not hesitate to contact me at for further communications, in case you are interested in having a public institution partner from Albania in your consortium.

    Best regards

    Mario Shahini

    Danilo CrastollaDanilo Crastolla


    I saw your post in the partner search tool .
    If like your proposal and I will be delighted to supply to you ITALIAN and GREEK partners.
    On the other hand stay tuned because we can cooperate for many other calls and programmes for which we are working with. If you agree send me an email to and i can share all partner’s details.

    We can also cooperate for any EU calls including Interreg Europe, Next Med, Euro Med, Cerv, Daphne, Crea, Horizon etc

    Best regards
    Danilo Crastolla
    0039 371 4482444



    I’m writing on behalf of the Center for Development of the Pelagonija planning region (CDPPR), from Macedonia. We represents public institution for regional development, established by 9 units of local self-government comprising the Pelagonija planning region. CDPPR prepares project proposals for development of the planning region and for the areas with specific developmental needs. It coordinates the activities related to the implementation of the development Program of the planning region and realizes the projects for development of the planning region, civil protection, promotes cultural heritage, tourism and developmental opportunities of the planning region.
    We have experience in project implementation by various donors and finance instruments (national and international), not directly in EUROMED, but experienced in another Interreg program (IPA CBC) are open for cooperation for Interreg projects with you and other partners.

    Feel free to contact us to share project and activities information on

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Center for development of Pelagonija planning region

    Gancho KolaksazovGancho Kolaksazov

    Dear Roberta,
    my name is Gancho Kolaksazov and I am representing the Institute for technology transfer and innovations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria. ITTI is working on the establishment and upgrowth of national innovation eco-system. Main focus in this direction is the creation and development of a favorable business and work environment in Bulgarian regions by stimulating and encouraging citizen participation in making public decisions concerning the business climate. ITTI has a solid experience in finding practical and working solutions and real application of innovative ideas in business. Its activities are focused on fostering education, entrepreneurship, technology transfer and circularity by the development of mechanisms for transfer of knowledge and new technologies, digital and AI-based solutions and innovations and new learning and training practices. In addition to that, the core objectives of ITTI are related to the importance of the digital and green transformation that Europe needs. When designing our ideas, projects and activities, we have an inclusive approach, making them accessible to a diverse range of participants and encouraging mobile learning, gamification, and technology supported learning with digital tools. We work towards the building of knowledge, skills and attitudes on climate change, circular economy and sustainable development both within the European Union and beyond. At the same time the Institute is developing analyzes, strategies and plans for local and regional authorities that can best support innovation and use it to encourage economic growth and employment. We have several projects related to the topic including two ongoing CERV Network of towns focused on municipal waste management systems, circular economy and landscape local policies.
    I would like to learn more about your project concept and the possibilities for our organisation to join the consortium.
    Best regards,
    Gancho Kolaksazov

    Andrea SmolićAndrea Smolić

    Dear Roberta,

    I am writing on behalf of the Institution for the Development of Competence, Innovation and Specialisation of Zadar county INOVAcija. Our strategic goals are following:
    – Enchancing research-development and business infrastructure;
    – Creation of a network of economic operators based on knowledge and high technologies;
    – Strengthen Zadar County and turn it into an attractive development-oriented economic area.

    Over the years, we worked on various projects of a similar nature, delivering successful outcomes. We are open to new ideas and innovative approaches and we are looking to join as partner into this call.

    Feel free to contact us to share project and activities information on:

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Best regards,
    Andrea Smolić

    Nedzad JusufhodzicNedzad Jusufhodzic

    Dear Roberta,

    The Chamber of Commerce of Zenica-Doboj Canton (CC ZDC) is private non-profit institution with legal personality (business support organization). We are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and looking to join partnership as IPA project partner. CC ZDC is involved, in addition to commerce, also in industry and all other economic activities.
    CC ZDC has more than 15 years of experience in the implementation of governmental funded, domestic and abroad-funded projects. CC ZDC has already implemented several EU-funded projects. It possesses human and financial resources for the implementation of different projects and developed a network of experts from Ministries, Local Development Agencies, the University of Zenica, the Tourist Board, Museums, Cultural institutions, NGOs, SMEs, media, etc.
    Thematic competences:
    • Assessment of the current situation;
    • Networking;
    • Best practices transfer;
    • Identification of innovative business tools and supporting innovation;
    • Implementation and development of different Pilot actions;
    • Creation of professional and scientific research studies;
    • Education and employment of the unemployed labour force in accordance with the needs of the companies;
    • Business education and business environment improvement.

    Project teams and staff: CC ZDC has 6 full time employees (4 employees with previous experience in implementation of EU funded projects).

    CC ZDC is searching to join consortium as IPA Project partner. For all additional information, please contact us.

    Contact information:
    Nedzad Jusufhodzic, mr.iur., Secretary of the Chamber
    Address: Mehmedalije Tarabara 15, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
    T: +387 32 465 851
    F: +387 32 465 852

    Krasimir TrufevKrasimir Trufev


    We are Bulgarian NGO Leaders of the Future and we work in rural areas in central north Bulgaria.
    Our goal is to develop entrepreneurship, issue advocacy, human rights, and democracy education in remote areas. We are also working on renewable energy projects supporting low-income households and projects related to waste-to-energy solutions where we can reduce waste. We also work with SMEs and the local chambers of commerce to support us in education and knowledge transfer activities.

    We can offer expertise to your projects, we work with local authorities, policy makers citizens, etc.

    You can contact us at or



    Dear Roberta Ferrara

    Live With Eart is a Non-Profit Organization, for Global Sustainable Development and Circular Economy, headquartered in Cadriceira, PPLSSA – Paisagem Protegida Local das Serras do Socorro e Archeira, ECO CAMPUS – Torres Vedras, Portugal. Our vision is the thesis-project “Eco-Village Community” (Vasques, R., 2011) and our mission is based in four pillars: Water – Awareness; Earth – Empowerment; Fire – Convergence; Air – Innovation.
    We have been operating since 2012 and officially as an Association since 2017, mainly in the areas of Entrepreneurship & Social Innovation, Permaculture Design, Eco Villages and Circular Economy. Through scientific research in Design, at IADE – UNIVERSIDADE EUROPEIA, we design new models and solutions. We work for achieving the European Green Deal and the New European Bauhaus objectives by developing European Projects of the ERASMUS+, ESC – European Solidarity Corps and Creative Europe programs, and actions of social intervention and non-formal education. We create and develop sustainable projects and courses, on areas such as natural construction, organic farming, agroforestry, natural pigments and eco-arts, eco-communities, music, and other topics related to the physical, mental and emotional well being of humans, and regenerative systems for our societies and for natural ecosystems. It is recently integrated in an official partnership with Geoparque Oeste, recognized as a UNESCO Global Geopark.

    We have interest in knowing more about the mentioned project and how can we collaborate as partner organization.

    Looking forward to hear from you,

    Our contact:

    Best Regards

    Nikolay DochevNikolay Dochev

    Dear Roberta,

    Kyustendil Municipality is a Bulgarian local public authority and is interested in developing strategic document related to climate neutral economy since it is highly affected by the just transition process in Bulgaria.

    We are also working with a Bulgarian NGO, namely Association “Institute for Territorial Innovations and Cooperation – ITIC” with an extensive experience in capacity building, regional development and policy making, just transition, climate neutral economic activities.

    We will be very grateful if you consider both or either one of these two Bulgarian organisations as a valuable partner in your project.

    You can contact us on

    Kind regards!

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