
Reply To: Tourism and mediterranean diet products – consortium

Daniela FattoriDaniela Fattori

Dear Caroline,
I write on behalf of Parco Romano Biodistretto (private organization devoted to promotion of km 0 agrifood)/Tor Vergata Universtiy of Roma, Italy.

we are interested in joining projects whose output could be among the following:

– Solutions improving the connection between eco-natural systems and agriculture systems, promoting the cultivation of native variety species and ancient cultivars facilitating sustainable tourism development.

– Solutions for the effective change in tourism practices promoting sustainable destinations and “responsible tourism” practices.
Promoting the local farmers and the traditional food at the farmer’s markets as a highly appreciated destination concerning “responsible” tourism items.

– Promote scientific dissemination events with food and wine tastings in collaboration between university botanical gardens and farmers’ markets to promote the ancient agri-food variety and the traditional cultivars.

My contact details:

Kind regards,
