
Reply To: research project in Tourism and sustainability

Innovation HiveInnovation Hive

Dear Ana,

I am contacting you on behalf of Innovation Hive, a private non-profit organization located in Larissa, Greece and spesialized in the fields of research and innovation. Our organisation was established in 2020 and we are currently implementing 75 EU projects in various programmes such as the LIFE, ERASMUS+, CERV, AMIF and HE.

Alignment of tourism with practices that will foster sustainable development, is one of our priorities while our expertise is on the field of circular economy, as we are currently implementing the projects below:

-RE-START project ( aims to develop a circular start-up training programme that enhances the entrepreneurial mindset considering circular economy principles. (Erasmus+ KA2)

-GD HIVE project ( give special attention in developing circular economy skills and competencies, especially focusing on youth business activities (whether the youth are entrepreneurs, business owners or they work for companies, or they are thinking to establish a start-up or even they are unemployed). (Erasmus+ KA2)

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