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National Control System
National Control System description
In France, the national control system is decentralised and the Provence Alpes Côte d’Azur (PACA) Region is the designed control body.
Partners shall contract an independent, qualified controller based on a shortlist estabilished by the approbation body. As part of its responsibilities as National Authority, the PACA Region has estabilished a framework agreement procedure to be handle with the Euro-MED project beneficiaries. Once the framework agreement procedure has been completed, each French beneficiary of the Interreg Euro-MED programme is required to select its controller from the list of the framework agreement.
Public authorities are not subject to the obligation to have recourse to an external controller if they are equipped with an internal public controller and the latter is independent of the unit in charge of the qualitative and financial management of the project. In such a case, the internal controller must be approved by the national authority.