The information contained in this section has been provided by the national authority in March 2023.
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National Contact Point
National Control System
National Control System
In Bulgaria, the national control system is centralised and performed by appointed controllers within the estabilished First Level Controler (FLC) unit at Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works, Territorial Cooperation Management (TCM) Directorate.
In the 2021-2027 programming period, control for Bulgarian beneficiaries will be appointed by designated Controllers, recruited by the National Authority under a selection procedure, following an approbation by the Minister of Regional Development and Public Works (MRDPW) methodology in accordance with the current labour legislation and section II of Council of Ministers Decree № 15 / 16 February 2022.
Selected controllers sign a labour contract with MRDPW and become part of the established separate FLC Unit at TCM Directorate. A Head of the Unit is appointed having the responsibility of managing and controlling the internal work processes of the unit. Controllers at the FLC Unit are entitled to sign the control certificate.