
We are looking for a lead partner – 5th call

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  • #26285
    Marko ĆapinMarko Ćapin

    Trebinje Development Agency (Bosnia and Herzegovina) is a local public non-profit organization dedicated to various development activities.With extensive experience in the development and implementation of diverse projects, including those with transnational partnerships,we have successfully participated in numerous programs such as ADRION, DANUBE, Interreg IPA Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro, IPA Cross-border cooperation BiH-Montenegro, and various projects and initiatives funded by international organizations.

    We are currently seeking a lead partner for the 5th call of Interreg Euro-MED.

    We are committed to fostering collaborative and impactful partnerships and are excited about the opportunity to work with like-minded organizations.If you are interested in joining forces with us, we invite you to connect and explore how we can make a significant difference together.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Please feel free to e-mail:

    Thank you !!

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