Tagged: Sustainable tourism
- This topic has 22 replies, 22 voices, and was last updated 6 months ago by
Todorka Atanasova.
15/05/2024 at 13:54 #25262
Nedzad Jusufhodzic
The Chamber of Commerce of Zenica-Doboj Canton (CC ZDC) is private non-profit institution with legal personality (business support organization). We are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and looking to join partnership as IPA project partner. CC ZDC is involved, in addition to commerce, also in industry and all other economic activities.
CC ZDC has more than 15 years of experience in the implementation of governmental funded, domestic and abroad-funded projects. CC ZDC has already implemented several EU-funded projects. It possesses human and financial resources for the implementation of different projects and developed a network of experts from Ministries, Local Development Agencies, the University of Zenica, the Tourist Board, Museums, Cultural institutions, NGOs, SMEs, media, etc.
Thematic competences:
• Assessment of the current situation;
• Networking;
• Best practices transfer;
• Identification of innovative business tools and supporting innovation;
• Implementation and development of different Pilot actions;
• Creation of professional and scientific research studies;
• Education and employment of the unemployed labour force in accordance with the needs of the companies;
• Business education and business environment improvement.Project teams and staff: CC ZDC has 6 full time employees (4 employees with previous experience in implementation of EU funded projects).
CC ZDC is searching to join consortium as IPA Project partner. For all additional information, please contact us.
Contact information:
Nedzad Jusufhodzic, mr.iur., Secretary of the Chamber
Address: Mehmedalije Tarabara 15, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina
T: +387 32 465 851
F: +387 32 465 852
E: pkzedo@bih.net.ba
I: http://www.pkzedo.ba17/05/2024 at 10:34 #25345Zana Ademi
ParticipantDear Angela,
I am writing to you on behalf of the Municipality of Tetovo – North Macedonia(https://tetova.gov.mk/default.aspx?lan=3) and we express interest in being a PARTNER in all topics of the fourth Thematic call for Priority 1: A Smarter Mediterranean & Priority 2: A Greener Mediterranean and the missions: Strengthening an innovative sustainable economy,Protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage, Promoting green living areas and Enhancing sustainable tourism.
Municipality of Tetovo is located in the Northwestern part of the Republic of North Macedonia, on the slopes of Shar Mountain as well as in the lower parts of the Polog valley. The
municipality covers an area of 261.89 km 2 and has a total of: 84.770 inhabitants according to the 2021 census.
Tetovo as a Municipality with a large number of highly productive workplaces and natural and ecologically clean environment, is committed to providing a faster and more balanced socioeconomic development and improvement of the quality of life of the local population through efficient and effective services for citizens, the private sector and civil society organizations.According to the presented characteristics of the municipality of Tetovo and good practices in managing EU funds, municipality has following objectives to achieve:
– Advancement of spatial planning, infrastructure, environmental and nature protection and adaptation to climate change.
– Promotion of economic development, tourism and agriculture.
– Support and development of education, culture and sports
– Promotion of social development and inclusion of vulnerable categories.
– Smart and innovative solutions.For more information and topics of interest please contact me: zana.ademi@gmail.com
Kind regards,
23/05/2024 at 10:49 #25438Ana Ventura
ParticipantDear Angela:
Solutopus, Lda. (a Portuguese SME) could support you in organizing and searching for the implementation of such an Observatory. We know the importance of tourism, mostly in rural areas. If needed, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Also, we would appreciate to know your idea a little better in the frame of proposal development.The best,
Ana M. Ventura
geral@solutopus.pt29/05/2024 at 09:18 #25506Sanda Rakocevic
ParticipantDear Angela,
I am writing on behalf of Community Impact Accelerator – Zid (ADP-Zid), a non-profit NGO based in Podgorica, Montenegro, in the hopes of joining your consortium.
Through the course of nearly 30 years since ADP-Zid was established, we have participated in several Interreg Danube and Interreg Cro-BiH-MNE projects, as well as numerous EU-funded programs. We are also the Info Centre for ESF+ and EaSI strand programs in Montenegro, as well as the contact point for the European programs Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps.
The programs and projects we conduct are in terms of cross- border cooperation, green and digital economy growth, sustainable tourism, creative industries, promoting social innovations and entrepreneurship, education and youth participation process, regulating the job market and developing the concept of affordable housing.
One of the projects we have implemented that particularly pertains to this topic is “Child Friendly Tourism in the Cross Border Region”, CBC Montenegro – Albania. During the course of the project, we focused on encouraging the tourism industry to sustainably develop its services using ICT.
If you recognize Montenegro as a valuable region for the realization of a project and ADP-Zid as a potential new partner, we look forward to our further cooperation. Should you have any more questions, we could organize a Zoom, Teams or Skype meeting to address any matters that need to be discussed.
For more information, please contact us via email on zid@zid.org.me or sanda@zid.org.me
16/07/2024 at 11:44 #26764Ivan Tabakov
ParticipantDear Angela,
We are Varna Chamber of Commerce and Industry from Bulgaria. Our City Varna is the biggest Bulgarian city on the Black sea board. One of the most important businesses in our region is tourism. We have very good infrastructure for tourism, School of tourism, College of tourism, Tourism department in the Varna Economical University.Our Chamber was established in 1895 and we have experience in different European projects. We are looking to be a Partner in a Project like yours.Ivan Tabakov, President of VCCI
+359 887 361 359; tabakovvcci@gmail.com16/07/2024 at 15:44 #26777Franco Di Andrea
ParticipantDear Angela,
I’m expressing our interest in joining your project proposal on behalf of ANTROPOSERVICE SAS, a creative Italian SME, selected since 2011 as main partner in the “Festival dei due Parchi” aiming to rediscovering and highlighting the “common sense” of a creative part of the territory of the two National Parks of Monti Sibillini and Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga, straddling the Italian regions: Abruzzo, Marche, Lazio, Umbria, in order to let citizens responsibly and creatively regain a sense of belonging to the territories, to protect and valorise them, with the languages of art, culture and sport starting from the wonderful environmental, naturalistic and cultural microcosm. Within the Festival, Antroposervice Sas has successfully conceived and organized since its inception more than 100 events, creatively using the languages of art, culture and sport, originally combining cultural and natural heritage, to propose a deep love for the beauty of nature, of artistic, cultural, anthropological and social traditions.
Among others, the “Festival dei due Parchi” and its events are based on raising awareness and organizing sustainable initiatives aiming to the protection and valorisation of natural eco-systems from anthropogenic exploitation, to the protection of natural habitats and biodiversity to help people develop a sense of profound respect for natural eco-systems and their interconnection with human life. Antroposervice staff provides international training activities for the update of professionals and experts in different fields: environmental sustainability, entrepreneurship, adult education, school education and youth, also designing innovative training modules and programmes for entrepreneurship, employability and creativity in general through proprietary learning ecosystems based on metaphorical systems withdrawn from the languages of art and European mythology to reinforce the so-called “life skills” of individuals such as, for instance: creative and critical thinking, deep and effective communication, interpersonal relationship, empathy and emotions. Since 2015 Antroposervice is in charge for the management of the 4-years post-graduate school for psychotherapy IPAEMarche (www.ipaemarche.com). Also thanks to this, it can count on a wide roster of international teachers and trainers in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, sociology, anthropology, neurology, human sciences and other subjects.
Antroposervice operates also in the fields of sport-tourism development especially in the territory at the heart of Italy, where four Region (Marche, Abruzzo, Umbria and Lazio) and their peoples, meet. It is a territory of beautiful mountains, hills and seaside, with outstanding cultural heritage, food and handicraft traditions, undergoing profound transformation, due to the shift in the national and global production framework. Antroposervice staff and project team have an outstanding track record in the development of international cooperation programmes and project as well as in the concept, implementation and management of European funded projects.
Do not hesitate to contact us,
Franco Di Andrea12/08/2024 at 12:53 #27155Lana Frković
ParticipantNotitia Ltd is an SME from Croatia interested in joining your consortium/project for application under the EURO-MED calls.
Notitia is specialized in numerous fields, especially in implementation of EU, scientific and strategic projects. For example, we have developed and implemented numerous EU projects under different EU programs, such as Interreg programs (Adrion, Danube, Italy – Croatia, Slovenia – Croatia, Central Europe, EURO-MED, etc.), Horizon Europe, Innovation Norway, etc. – for our clients (public and private institutions), as well as our own projects.
We have numerous projects under different EU programs in evaluation, and several EU projects currently in implementation – for example, projects funded from European Union – NextGenerationEU, Interreg Central Europe program, Horizon Europe program, etc.
Notitia gathers scientists and experts from numerous fields, and can adjust to any project topic – from innovative sustainable economy, natural heritage, green living areas, sustainable tourism, sustainable development, climate and environment protection, artificial intelligence, to various industries (food, wood, textile, automotive, etc.).
Notitia can implement many activities – communication, dissemination, promotion, visibility; research, development, innovation; studies; testing; transfer; analysis; foresight; strategic planning; monitoring; evaluation; project management; quality management; workshops, conferences, trainings, events; and more.
Please feel free to contact us for more information: lana.trifunic@notitia.hr.
10/09/2024 at 16:35 #27448Todorka Atanasova
ParticipantDear Angela,
On behalf of Varna Economic Development Agency – an NGO, established in 1997 in Bulgaria, we are interested to join your project proposal.
Currently, we are a partner organization and implement an EuroMed project, called “TOURISMO – TOURism Innovative and Sustainable Management of flOws” – https://tourismo.interreg-euro-med.eu/. Also, we are carrying out the Danube Interreg Project called “DANUBE WOOD(s)ROUTE – Richness of Danube forests and wood cultural heritage (tangible, intangible) – way towards sustainable green tourism embedded in European cultural route of Danube timber”.
We have also experience in other multinational projects related to rural, cultural, and youth tourism, realized under the Danube Program (2014-2020), JOP Black sea basin programs ( 2007-2013; 2014-2020) and Erasmus+. More info about our organization can be found following http://www.veda-bg.eu. We will be glad to join and support your project idea.
In case you need a technological partner, we can recommend one reliable ITC company from Varna, able to support dissemination and training activities with web- and portals’ design & maintaining, software development, social media, producing online publications: newsletters, brochures, roll banners, infographics, etc., online maps and training platforms.
Kind regards,
Todorka Dimitrova
office@veda-bg.eu -
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