
Regional development agency Green Karst – searching to join partnership

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  • #9809
    Živa LožarŽiva Ložar

    Dear all!

    I am writing on behalf of Regional Development Agency Green Karst. RDA Green Karst is coordinator of regional interests on local and national level. By constant dialogue with government, municipalities, entrenpreneural sphere and NGO’s we have the capacity to influence policies on local, regional and national level.
    We have team of experts with knowledge on preparing and implementing national and EU projects, extensive experience in designing key regional development strategic documents, knowledge and support to entrepreneurship and potential investors.
    Within the organisation also works Regional destinational organisation RDO Green Karst which aim is to support and develop tourism in Green Karst destination and LAG Notranjska for the development of rural area of Primorsko-Notranjska region.
    Throughout the years we have cooperated in various international (Interreg ITA-SLO, SLO-HR, MED, ADRION, DANUBE, Horizon 2020…) and national projects. Informations on projects we have prarticipated are available on
    Projects to enhance research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies, transition to a circular and resource-efficiency economy are in great interest of our agency. We are looking for proposals where we can participate as partners and contribute with our expertise.

    Živa Ložar

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Živa LožarŽiva Ložar.
    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Živa LožarŽiva Ložar.
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