Public institution Makarska development agency – MARA operates with the purpose of economic development and creation of an entrepreneurial climate, as well as promoting the city’s potential with the aim of further growth and development. The Agency’s mission is to actively work to attract funds from domestic and EU funds in cooperation with economic entities, public institutions and other stakeholders. MARA supports the experience of implementing numerous projects by preparing and implementing projects financed from EU sources. Since its establishment in 2017, a number of projects have been implemented that contribute to the development of the local community. The spectrum of areas of project applications and activities is wide: development of cultural activities of the public and civil sector, energy efficiency, social inclusion, development of educational institutions of the city of Makarska, cultural cycle and sustainable tourism, development of policy for youth, development of policy for 54+, development of infrastructure , development and restoration of cultural heritage, international and cross-border cooperation, development of entrepreneurship. In the preparation and implementation of projects, it works synergistically with city associations, public institutions, the founder, entrepreneurs, and especially with schools and kindergartens, and influences the quality of life of children. Currently, MARA is participating as an external technical assistance for the project partner City of Makarska on the implementation of the Epath project approved for financing under II. Call for project proposals under the trilateral “Interreg IPA Cross-border Cooperation Programme Croatia – Bosnia and Herzegovina – Montenegro 2014-2020” with the aim of strengthening and diversifying the tourist offer through cross-border cooperation and improving the management and sustainable use of cultural and natural heritage.
MARA is looking for suitable projects to join as a partner.
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