
Looking for project partners: water management

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  • #21443
    Kubra EfegilKubra Efegil

    Project Summary:
    This cross-border collaboration project aims to promote the sustainable use of water resources in the Mediterranean Basin and reduce water use in agriculture. The project seeks to achieve these goals by encouraging knowledge sharing and collaboration among farmers, institutional leaders, and
    researchers in various regions.

    Project Objectives:
    Increasing Water Efficiency in Agriculture: Enhancing water efficiency by adopting water-saving agricultural methods, cultivating low-water-consumption crops, and improving irrigation management.
    Management of Sustainable Water Resources: Identifying best practices for the sustainable use of water resources, developing strategies for monitoring and preserving water sources.
    Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Development: Promoting information exchange among farmers, institutional leaders, and researchers and enhancing capacity in water resource management.

    Project Activities:
    Education and Awareness: Conducting workshops and training sessions for farmers to promote water-saving practices in agriculture, introducing and supporting the use of water-efficient irrigation systems.
    Monitoring of Water Resources: Establishing data collection and analysis processes for monitoring water resources, preparing regular reports on the status of water sources.
    Technological Innovation and Research Development Applications: Developing new technologies and methods to increase agricultural water efficiency, providing financial support for pilot projects.
    Use of Water-Efficient Irrigation Systems: Encouraging the use of irrigation systems such as drip irrigation and sprinklers that direct water to the root zone of plants, minimizing water loss. Adoption of modern irrigation technologies with training and technical support for farmers.
    Soil and Plant-Friendly Agricultural Practices: Optimizing farming practices through soil analysis and appropriate crop selection. Using mulch to conserve soil moisture and reduce evaporation.
    Rainwater Harvesting and Storage Systems: Implementing rainwater harvesting systems, especially in greenhouses or agricultural areas, to meet water needs. Creating suitable reservoirs for
    storing collected rainwater.
    Implementation of Sustainable Agricultural Techniques: Encouraging agro-ecological approaches and the use of sustainable agricultural techniques such as organic farming and permaculture. Focusing on natural methods for pest control and reducing the use of chemical fertilizers.
    Development of Water Management Plans: Developing and implementing water management plans to improve the planning processes for more effective use and distribution of water. Creating strategic plans considering future conditions of water resources considering climate change and changing
    precipitation patterns.
    Cross-Border Collaboration and Network Building: Establishing cross-border networks and platforms to promote communication and collaboration among institutional leaders, farmers, and researchers in the Mediterranean Basin.

    Results and Impacts:
    ● Reduction of water use in agriculture and increased water efficiency.
    ● Sustainable management and preservation of water resources.
    ● Farmers becoming more aware and educated about water management.
    ● Increased cross-border collaboration and adoption of a broader perspective on water resource management

    Pallares BeamontePallares Beamonte

    Dear Kubra
    I´m Elena Pallarés, from Aragon Institute of Technology (, a Research Centre, a Public Law and non-profit entity with juridical personality, integrated in General Government of Aragon, that tries to be a top piece to promote tasks of research and development for the local industry, transforming technological processes of companies. We´ve seen your interesting proposal and it fits in our objectives and goals; and if you are looking for partners, we´d like to have the opportunity to collaborate in this project.
    ITA’s staff is 290 people with a great experience in R&D European projects, managing programmes of industrial development, technological innovation and quality. ITAINNOVA has over 100 different client companies per year in R&i activities, and more than 1000 clients if technological services such as material testing, metrology or training are included.

    We would like to develop and test systems for controlling the life support of the plant: temperature, humidity, irrigation, and root nutrient levels through sensing technology, and other resultas and objectives that you define in your project Objectives.
    ITAINNOVA participates in collaborative transnational innovation projects funded by the European Commission. With an extensive network of strategic partners, ITAINNOVA is an active member of the European R&D&I community and cooperates with several of the existing European and national Technological Platforms, as well as with the national and regional industrial Clusters
    If you need more information, don´t hesitate to contact me. My email:

    Marina PavlicMarina Pavlic

    Dear Kubra,
    we are a large ICT system integrator from Zagreb that deals with various technologies that have a positive impact on the fight against climate change. We apply them in almost all areas, from traffic, hydrology, and the sea. In the description of your interesting project proposal, I see a link to our large hydrological project in which we monitor river water levels, flows and similar parameters that change not only depending on the seasons and sudden changes, but also on the effects of agriculture on rivers. Namely, in the summer months, when agriculture needs the most water for irrigation, it often happens that the water level in rivers drops drastically due to irrigation, which leads to deterioration of the quality of life in rivers and disturbance of river sediment.
    I think it would be useful to link this segment to your project proposal so that farmers adopt the best practices of river water management.
    In Croatia, we have installed equipment that measures water level, flow, and water quality at more than 600 locations.
    We have +700 employees with extensive experience in R&D projects, our clients are the largest Croatian companies, and we have experience in the preparation and implementation of EU projects.
    We would like to join your project team.
    Best regards!
    My email address:

    Paolo BarattiniPaolo Barattini


    Paolo BarattiniPaolo Barattini

    this is Paolo Barattini from Kontor 46, Italy.
    we are an ICT and IOT small enterprise (SME).
    We implement sensors solutions for soil and water, the data upload network (LORA, GSM,…).
    We also implement on line data analysis platforms (also exploiting AI and machine learning) and GUI interfaces, wheras is needed also as DSS (Decision Support System).
    We have a department that takes care of sustainability, environmental impact of technologies, LCA.
    We are part of a large network of mostly academic partners for creating the critical mass for consortia.

    Marina PavlicMarina Pavlic

    Hi Paolo,
    we are interested in project cooperation in the field of sea and water in general protection as well as environmental protection from traffic consequences on the Interreg Euro MED program.
    We are waiting for the call.
    Best regards, Marina

    Bill MitsiosBill Mitsios

    Dear Mateo,
    My name is Vasilis Mitsios and I work as an independent Business Consultant with great experience in EU co-funded projects, especially Interreg, for the past 20 years. My clientele consists of Greek Ministries, Regions, Municipalities, Chambers of Commerce, Development Agencies and NGOs, which are interested in participating as partners in various proposals.

    For your project I can suggest either a Region from Greece, which has great experience in the field of transport and mobility.
    In case you are interested in a partner from Greece, please send me an email at, so I can identify the most suitable partner for your idea.
    Thank you in advance
    Vasilis Mitsios

    Mario ShahiniMario Shahini

    Dear Kubra,

    I am writing on behalf of the Regional Council Durres, a regional public authority in Albania governing 3 municipalities. We are a coastal region, with agricultural land making up the majority of our territory and playing a vital role in the economy of the region. Our institution is involved in the implementation of regional agricultural policies, including sustainable use of water resources. We are interested in participating to your project idea as we believe it would be very relevant and beneficial to our region. Our institution has a vast experience in EU co-funded projects, mainly in the INTERREG MED and ADRION programmes. Please feel free to contact me at for further communications.

    Best regards

    Mario Shahini

    Kreo AssociationKreo Association

    Dear Kubra,

    Kreo Association it is very interested to collaborate for this project proposal. Also we have a big network of different stakeholders and institutions on local and national level.

    Please contact us on!

    Best regards,

    Kreo Association

    Francesca CassaroFrancesca Cassaro

    Dear Kubra,

    I am writing to you from northern Italy, and from our area we have several water utilities and public bodies interested in this project idea. Please feel free to contact me by e-mail so that we can deepen the possible collaboration:

    All the best,

    Danilo CrastollaDanilo Crastolla


    I saw your post in the partner search tool .
    I like your proposal and I will be delighted to supply to you ITALIAN and GREEK partners.
    On the other hand stay tuned because we can cooperate for many other calls and programmes for which we are working with. If you agree send me an email to and i can share all partner’s details.

    We can also cooperate for any EU calls including Interreg Europe, Next Med, Euro Med, Cerv, Daphne, Crea, Horizon etc

    Best regards
    Danilo Crastolla
    0039 371 4482444

    Auleda VloreAuleda Vlore

    Dear Kubra,

    Auleda – Local Economic Development Agency is an experienced organization in the southern part of Albania. We have a good experience participating in Interreg projects and we are actually implementing a Euro-Med project. In any case you might need a partner from Albania to include in your consortium, please feel free to contact us at or



    Matthias FioreMatthias Fiore

    Dear Kubra,

    We are interested in taking part in the project as a French partner. The MEDEF AURA (MOUVEMENT DES ENTREPRISES DE FRANCE AUVERGE RHONE ALPES), is the leading network of entrepreneurs in France with 750,000 member companies, 70% of which are SMEs with less than 50 employees.

    We support the development of businesses of all sizes, models and sectors (28 professional branches in the AURA region) by accompanying them through green and digital transitions.

    Please do not hesitate to contact me at

    Kind regards,
    Matthias Fiore

    Zana AdemiZana Ademi

    Dear Kubra,

    I am writing to you on behalf of the Municipality of Tetovo – North Macedonia ( and we express interest in being a PARTNER in all topics of the fourth Thematic call for Priority 1: A Smarter Mediterranean & Priority 2: A Greener Mediterranean and the missions: Strengthening an innovative sustainable economy,Protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage, Promoting green living areas and Enhancing sustainable tourism.

    Municipality of Tetovo is located in the Northwestern part of the Republic of North Macedonia, on the slopes of Shar Mountain as well as in the lower parts of the Polog valley. The
    municipality covers an area of 261.89 km 2  and has a total of: 84.770 inhabitants according to the 2021 census.
    Tetovo as a Municipality with a large number of highly productive workplaces and natural and ecologically clean environment, is committed to providing a faster and more balanced socioeconomic development and improvement of the quality of life of the local population through efficient and effective services for citizens, the private sector and civil society organizations.

    According to the presented characteristics of the municipality of Tetovo and good practices in managing EU funds, municipality has following objectives to achieve:

    Advancement of spatial planning, infrastructure, environmental and nature protection and adaptation to climate change.
     Promotion of economic development, tourism and agriculture.
     Support and development of education, culture and sports
     Promotion of social development and inclusion of vulnerable categories.
     Smart and innovative solutions.

    For more information and topics of interest please contact


    Dear Kubra,

    I am writing from Risorse Per Roma, a municipal agency of the City of Rome responsible for strategic urban planning and regeneration, cultural heritage conservation and promotion, energy efficiency, and urban mobility. The agency, through the European Projects Office, applies to various EU funding programmes to promote and enhance sustainable urban development and has established national and international partnerships to implement complex EU projects over the years. In particular, the agency has gained solid experience in the field of urban agriculture (especially at the policy and governance level) and earned the City of Rome the award of Good Practice City at the 2017 URBACT City Festival.

    Rome is interested in your proposal on promoting the sustainable use of water resources within the agricultural sector and would be interested in exploring cooperation opportunities. If interested, please email me at



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