
Joint framework to increase the thermal resilience of MED vulnerable population

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  • #25361
    Jelena KujovicJelena Kujovic

    Project title: Joint framework to increase the thermal resilience of MED vulnerable populations in the context of global warming
    Acronym: HEATCARE

    Common challenge: The Mediterranean region, cherished for its cultural richness and natural beauty, faces distinctive health challenges amidst the changing climate. Climate change is exacerbating these challenges, particularly in the Mediterranean basin, where the convergence of various environmental and socioeconomic factors amplifies the impacts. One of the most prominent effects is the escalation in extreme weather events. Heatwaves, floods, and droughts, intensified by climate change, pose acute risks to public health in the Mediterranean. With densely populated urban areas and significant coastal populations, the region is particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of these events, including injuries, fatalities, and population displacement. Air pollution, aggravated by rising temperatures and urbanization, is a pressing concern in Mediterranean cities. Increased levels of greenhouse gases worsen air quality, leading to respiratory ailments such as asthma and allergies, disproportionately affecting vulnerable populations living in crowded urban settings. The Mediterranean is also witnessing a surge in wildfires, driven by prolonged droughts and higher temperatures. These wildfires not only pose immediate risks to life and property but also release harmful pollutants into the air, exacerbating respiratory issues and cardiovascular diseases among residents. Rising temperatures amplify the frequency and intensity of heatwaves, significantly impacting public health. Vulnerable groups, including the elderly, children, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions, face heightened risks of heat-related illnesses, such as heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Changes in precipitation patterns and temperature fluctuations influence the distribution and behavior of disease vectors, increasing the transmission of vector-borne diseases like West Nile virus and leishmaniasis in the Mediterranean region.
    Moreover, the psychological toll of climate change cannot be overlooked. Disasters, loss of livelihoods, and community displacement induce stress, anxiety, and depression, affecting the mental well-being of individuals and communities across the Mediterranean. In response to these challenges, concerted efforts are needed to mitigate climate change impacts and build resilience in the Mediterranean region. Sustainable urban planning, investment in green infrastructure, and community-based adaptation strategies are essential to safeguarding public health and promoting well-being amidst the evolving climate reality of the Mediterranean.
    Overall objective of the project HEATCARE is to contribute to sustainable development and an integrated vision of the territories’ adaptation to climate change by supporting thermal resilience of MED vulnerable populations in the context of global warming.
    OUTPUT INDICATOR (RCO116): Jointly developed solutions
    RESULT INDICATOR (RCR104): Solutions taken up or up-scaled by organizations

    Projects will have a general focus on:
    • Increase the capacity of public health authorities in effective planning and financing for climate change adaptation.
    • Develop a holistic and transdisciplinary approach to green living areas issues related to The negative consequences such as heat island effects. Designing green living areas solutions and policies means dealing on a given territory with subjects that are highly intertwined. The approach adopted shall therefore be holistic cross cutting several fields of expertise (e.g.: health, urban planning, architecture, climate engineering etc.…)
    • Reinforce citizens’ engagement for more sustainable living areas, encouraging the involvement of citizens in the projects making process and governance from design to decision and management, thus recognizing citizens’ expertise and right to the city as well as ensuring the suitability of projects to people’s need.

    Objectives and Results to be achieved:
    1. Mediterranean Climate and Health Action Plan – By producing and endorsing such a joint document, stakeholders in the Mediterranean region can demonstrate their collective commitment to addressing the intertwined challenges of climate change and public health and pave the way for coordinated action towards a more sustainable and resilient future. Every country in its area is to develop heat action plan in collaboration with local and national health authorities to mitigate the impacts of extreme heat events. These plans can include early warning systems, heat shelters, public education campaigns on heat-related illnesses, and outreach to vulnerable populations such as the elderly and homeless.
    2. Promotion of Public Health and Well-being: Raise awareness about the health impacts of climate change and the importance of adaptation and mitigation measures. Foster interdisciplinary research collaborations to better understand and address the nexus between climate change, environment, and health. Promote sustainable lifestyle choices and behaviors that contribute to both climate change mitigation and improved public health.
    3. Heat Resilience Measures: Develop and implement heat resilience measures to protect vulnerable populations during extreme heat events. This may include the installation of cooling stations in public spaces, distribution of heat relief kits to at-risk individuals, and training for healthcare professionals on heat-related illnesses. Educational campaigns on heat safety and adaptive behaviors can also be conducted to raise awareness and empower residents to take preventive actions.
    4. Monitoring and Evaluation: Allocate funds for monitoring and evaluation activities to assess the impact of the infrastructure investments on climate change mitigation and public health outcomes. This may involve collecting data on air quality, temperature extremes, physical activity levels, community engagement, and health indicators. Evaluation findings will inform decision-making, identify areas for improvement, and guide future investment priorities.
    5. Cooling Station Mapping and Heat Advisory App: Develop a mobile application that serves as a heat advisory tool and maps the location of cooling stations and green spaces in the city. The app can provide real-time updates on temperature, humidity, and air quality, along with heat safety tips and guidelines. Citizens can use the app to locate nearby cooling stations, shaded areas, and water fountains during heatwaves.

    The Ministry of Health of Montenegro will be the leader in the project “Joint Framework to Increase the Thermal Resilience of MED Vulnerable Populations in the Context of Global Warming” (HEATCARE). We invite all interested organizations that wish to be partners in this project to contact us at the following email addresses:

    We look forward to your participation and to working together to enhance the resilience of our communities to climate change.


    Dear Jelena Kujovic

    We have interest in knowing more about the project and how can we join as partners, with Live With Earth Organization ( Torres Vedras, Portugal ).

    Will send you an email with more information.

    Looking forward to have an online meeting.

    Best Regards

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