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  • #3650

    Dear All,
    We are seeking partners for an Institutional Dialogue Project within the Tourism Mission.
    Are you interested?
    All my best,

    Nexhmije VataNexhmije Vata

    Dear partner,
    Our NGO is interested in joining your consortium, please contact us at so than we can provide you with all the additional information that you may need.
    Best regards

    Stefan CalimanStefan Caliman

    Hello, I am representing Lombardy Agrifood Cluster, Italy. I would be glad to discuss with you a potential collaboration on the topic. My email is

    Kind regards,


    FTSI ( is a national non-profit organization, with headquarters in the Basque Country, the Principality of Asturias and the Autonomous Community of Valencia (Spain). FTSI is specialized in job orientation and counseling, management of internships and provision of training for employment, diagnosis of training needs and recruitment in companies. Our work area also extends to socioeducational programmes, awareness of values, gender, job security, as well as social volunteering. Since 2009 we have been working with long-term unemployed, people at risk of social exclusion, ethnic minorities, immigrants, young people, women and children.

    We also been involved in the development of a 4- hectare sustainable farming system in collaboration with local producers in Muskiz (Basque Country) and have experience in the development of citizen initiatives on circular economy and environmental action.

    FTSI has plenty of experience both at national and trasnational project, if you want to receive further information or think that we are a suitable member for your partnership, please contact us at

    ProSolutions ConsultingNuhi Neziri

    Dear all,

    Municipality of Tearce from Republic of North Macedonia is Interested in joining as partner, on the following priority themes:
    – creation of conditions for sustainable tourism, mountain tourism and agro-tourism;
    – sustainable economic development;

    So, we appreciate if you could consider us as possible partner in the case that you are planning to develop a project proposal under this upcoming First Call for proposals of Euro-MED Programme for first call for GOVERNANCE PROJECTS.

    I’m available for more details and to discuss more about topics of interests, so don’t hesitate to contact us for further information in the following emails:

    Best regards,

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by ProSolutions ConsultingNuhi Neziri.
    Marco SideriMarco Sideri

    Dear Francisco,

    I represent Your Data SRL, an Italian sme involved in EU projects since 2015 with experiences in Horizon2020, ENI CBC MED and Interreg MED projects.

    In the past, we have been in charge of dissemination and exploitation activities, as well as of cost-benefit and cost-effectiveness analysis, supplying transversal support to the project.

    If you think that we could be useful to your project ideas, we are at your disposal for discussing any potential cooperation.

    Best regards,


    Rugova KurtishiRugova Kurtishi

    Dear Francisco,

    I am writing you on behalf of the Public institution National Park Shar Mountain from Republic of North Macedonia which is interested to be partner for upcoming First Call for GOVERNANCE PROJECTS in the following topics:
    – sustainable use of natural resources in the interest of current and future development, without significant damage to parts of nature and with the least possible disturbances of natural balance;
    – creating conditions for tourism development in accordance with the principle of sustainable development;
    – protection and conservation of natural habitats of National and Transnational importance;
    – protection and conservation of biodiversity of National and Transnational importance;
    I’m available for more details and to discuss more about topics of interests, so don’t hesitate to contact us for for further information.

    Lilian ContariniLilian Contarini

    Mr. Benitez,

    we would be delighted to explore a collaboration opportunity for sustainable tourism mission activities in Greece.

    You can reach us at to discuss more details.

    Thank you very much,


    Philippe MartinsPhilippe Martins

    Dear Francisco,

    I’m representing the local government of Golfe de Saint-Tropez. The topic you’re focusing in seems to be very interesting for us. Feel free to contact me if we can match with your requirements.

    Best regards,


    Serafim KontosSerafim Kontos

    Greetings, I am Serafim Kontos, Researcher from the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.), Greece. Our expertise is on analysis and predictions of environmental information related to climate, energy and air quality, and on the respective impacts on human health and public sectors. We are interested to join a consortium as partners. You can contact me at

    Erik LogarErik Logar

    Hello, I am representing Geographical institute from Slovenia. I would be glad to discuss with you a potential collaboration on the topic. My email is

    Projects of our institute:

    Kind regards,

    Laura ParducciLaura Parducci

    Dear Jose Francisco Benitez,

    we are the Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce Riviere di Liguria that covers the provinces of La Spezia, Savona and Imperia. One of our aims is to promote the wellbeing of our sea in order to create sustainable nautical tourism, as we are a Port City. We are also part of the EEN ALPS Consortium and we have more than 20 years of experience in European projects such as Interreg.

    We would like to know more about your project proposal on the Tourism Mission, in order to create a potentional partnership, if you developed one for the 2nd call of the Euro-MED Programme.

    You can reach us at the email:
    Thank you.

    Best regards,

    Nuno MartinsNuno Martins

    Hi Francisco

    Please consider the Portuguese Association of Start-Ups as a promotor of new businesses in Tourism based on institutional dialogue

    we can also suggest some of our start-ups associates operating in sustainable tourism, in case you want to have SMEs in the sector

    please write me to projects @

    Natalija CigutNatalija Cigut

    Dear Francisco,
    I’m representing our organisation Research and Education Centre Mansion Rakičan ( We are a public organisation located in northeast part of Slovenia and we were founded by Municipality Murska Sobota. As a public institution, we work in the field of research, education, tourism and carry out several social programmes. Our organisation is very versatile and is active in different fields, but especially in tourism sector. Our mansion also provides accommodation for visitors (castle rooms) and we organise different events, that attract domestic and foreign visitors. We are also very active and successful in different European Interreg programmes: Interreg Adrion, Interreg Danube, Interreg V-A Slovenia – Austria, Interreg V-A Slovenia – Hungary, Interreg V-A Slovenia – Croatia, and also in other international programmes (Erasmus+, Creative Europe etc.).
    In the field of tourism, we strive to develop unique and sustainable tourism offers, in which we are very actively involving equestrian tourism, since horses are part of our mansion. We also take care of the cultural heritage of the mansion and the natural heritage of the surrounding park. The latter is an important part of our tourism strategy.
    I think we would provide interesting views and practical experiences in the framework of your project.
    I’m available for more details and to discuss more about topics of interests, so don’t hesitate to contact us for further information.
    My e-mail:


    Karmen KutnjakKarmen Kutnjak


    Centre for Entrepreneurship is an entrepreneurial support institution established by Dubrovnik Neretva region; managing two business incubators (Dubrovnik and Ploče) in addition to providing full support to young and entrepreneurs to be. Centre mentors and supports entrepreneurs through all stages of the business life cycle, from the idea creation and its development, to the exposure on the open market and further growth.
    The main focus of the Centre is to support clients in pursuing their entrepreneurial ambitions, providing business plans, feasibility studies, education, counselling, mentoring, as well as preparation and implementation of projects on national tenders.
    The basic activities of the Centre are organized in two departments:
    – Department of Entrepreneurial Support
    – Department for Support in Agriculture and Rural Development.
    We are looking to join an international consortium as a project partner. The greatest assets of the Centre are a wide reach to SME’s nationally and internationally, two decades of successful business education execution experience and commercial expansion. We find that our greatest contribution to the consortium would be the extensive experience on innovative business models, training and coaching. Feel free to reach us via email:

    Best regards,
    Karmen Kutnjak
    Centre for entrepreneurship

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