
Group of 20 Italian RURAL Municipalities available to join proposals on 5th call

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  • #25977
    Simone TaddeiSimone Taddei

    Consorzio Oltrepò Mantovano is a public body representing 20 small and medium sized rural municipalities located in Italy, Lombardy Region, with a total of about 95.000 inhabitants.
    We are eager to join consortiums to submit projects on the CALL 5 – Thematic Strategic Territorial projects, addressing topics targeted by the call, with particular reference to the priorities set: water scarcity, prevention and reduction of of waste.
    We are not able to lead a project proposal but we can act as project partner to contribute to activities and tasks, and making available one or more of our Municipalities for pilot actions implementation.
    We have consolidated experience as project partner in several EU funded projects, being therefore fully relialble for what concerns project&financial management procedures.

    Should you be interested in our profile, please write to Mr. Simone Taddei –

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