
Expertise Offer_Venetian Cluster

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  • #5706
    Cosima TrevisanelloCosima Trevisanello

    Venetian Cluster is the only Italian productive cluster of cultural and environmental heritage and tourism registered in the ECCP. Located in Venice, it coordinates more than 800 private and public companies and 24 research institutes supporting innovation, technological transfer, internationalization, and training. Moreover, Venetian Cluster is a recognized RIS3 regional network and has coordinated numerous projects concerning the protection, preservation and monitoring of historical, cultural and environmental heritage. Indeed, Venetian Cluster has well-established and wide national and international network as well as solid experience in European projects, mainly focused on cultural heritage, circular economy, sustainability, green deal, sustainable tourism, sustainable agriculture, climate change, creative industries, SMEs development, digital innovation, capacity building, and similar.
    If you think you can benefit from our expertise, kindly do not hesitate to contact us at: .

    Best Regards

    Venetian Cluster Team

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