
Community Foundation (FCAT) in Italy interested to be a partner organization

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  • #10730

    Fondazione Comunitaria di Agrigento e Trapani (FCAT) is interested to be a PARTNER ORGANIZATION in the framework of the Call – Thematic projects on Sustainable Tourism.

    FCAT is a philanthropic body set up in 2019, aiming at the promotion of cultural, environmental and socioeconomic development of the provinces of Agrigento and Trapani (South Western Sicily, Italy). The organization has a consolidated experience in the field of sustainable tourism (experiential and relational tourism), circular economy (circular tourism) and community development, including a consolidated experience in the framework of transnational projects (under the EU programmes Erasmus+,COSME-SmP) as well as local funded projects (funded by Fondazione CON IL SUD, CON I BAMBINI impresa sociale, PNRR, Private Foundations), thus ensuring the capacity to work in a transnational and multi-level partnership (public and private).

    If you are interested to get more information and/or involve the Foundation as partner, please contact:

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