Bulgarian Management Association (BMA) is interested in joining a consortium on the topic of Protecting, restoring and valorizing the natural environment and heritage. The organization has completed numerous projects financed by the following EU programmes: Interreg Europe, Interreg Bulgaria-Greece, Interreg IPA Bulgaria-Northern Macedonia, Interreg IPA Bulgaria-Serbia, Bulgarian National Operating Programme “Human Resources Development”.
BMA is a member of the Thematic Working Group for the Development of Operation Programme “Environment” 2021-2027. It is also a member of the Monitoring Committee of Operating Programme “Competitiveness” 2014-2020.
Recently we have successfully accomplished the project BIOGOV, which was financed by INTERREG EUROPE programme, Priority: Environment and Resource Efficiency.
We would like to join a project proposal or collaborate with partners to develop a project idea and a proposal.