
Reply To: Kalotropio – Support Center for the Social Economy (Lesvos Island – Greece)

Kostis VerveridisKostis Ververidis

Dear Mr. Lampropoulos,

I am contacting you on behalf of mamagea ( an environmental NGO based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Our mission is that of upgrading daily life in cities, and the social and urban environment. Through current and innovative approaches, mamagea plans and implements actions capable of changing the daily life of cities and neighborhoods. It aims at developing social cohesion, tackling climate change, and strengthening communities and human networks. We conduct bioclimatic-technical studies and implement construction projects for buildings and public spaces, we carry out educational and participatory workshops for children and adults, we organize cultural activities, mobilize citizen networks and create information campaigns on critical environmental and social issues, design and propose policies to improve our lives by shaping the city of the future. We would be happy to discuss with you project ideas, ways of cooperation, etc.

Looking forward to hearing from you
kind regards,
Kostis Ververidis