The Programme
The Interreg Euro-MED Programme supports cooperation across Mediterranean borders. We provide funds for projects developed and managed by public administrations, universities, private and civil society organisations.
The Programme brings together partners from 69 regions of 14 countries from the Northern shore of the Mediterranean with a common objective: a climate neutral and resilient society for the benefit of its citizens.
For the next seven year, together with our partners we will work to make the region smarter, greener and improve the governance between its stakeholders.
The total programme budget amounts to about 294M€ for the 2021-2027 period.
Programme bodies
Managing authority
The Managing Authority (MA) is responsible for managing and implementing the programme on behalf of the participating partner countries. The managing authority of Interreg Euro-MED is the Provence Alpes Cote d’Azur Region (France).
The Monitoring Committee (MC) is responsible for the efficient and qualitative implementation of the Programme. Projects applications are approved by the MC.
Each country involved in the programme (10 UE and 4 IPA countries) is represented in the committee and decisions are made by consensus (one vote per country).
The Joint Secretariat (JS) provides information to potential beneficiaries, assesses the projects applications and supports partners in the implementation of their projects.
The JS also assists the other bodies implementing the Programme through day-to-day operational administration. It is based in Marseille (France).
The National Contact Points (NCP) provide national potential beneficiaries with information on the Programme, calls for projects and administrative requirements for the submission of applications. They also support beneficiaries during project implementation and facilitate the communication and re-use of knowledges, experiences and project results. Each partner country has a National Contact Point who can support potential partners and beneficiaries in their local languages.

The National Control System provides information on the administrative set-up in each country and is responsible, beside any other country-specific information, for the control system to be applied.
The Audit Authority (AA) is responsible for verifying the effective functioning of the management and control system of the Programme. The AA is based in France (Paris), is independent of the other bodies and consists in an inter-ministerial commission (CICC) reporting to the French Prime Minister. It is assisted by a group of independent auditors composed of a representative from each partner state who shall not be involved in any other management or certification activity under the Interreg Euro-MED Programme.
The Accounting Authority (AcA) certifies statements of expenditure and applications for payment before they are sent to the European commission. The AcA then receives payments from the Commission and ensures the reimbursement towards projects partners. It is also responsible for drawing up the annual accounts.
Full details of the role and responsibilities of each body can be found in the Cooperation Programme document.
Jobs & Tenders
Job vacancies
Would you like to join our team in Marseille?
Check this section regularly to have a look at our job offers. If there is no open vacancy, you can however send us your CV and cover letter to the following address: programme@interreg-euro-med.eu
There is no open vacancy at the moment.
IVY VOLUNTEER (Starting February 2025)
We are looking for an Interreg Youth Volunteer reporter to start in Debruary 2025. The volunteer will specifically work with the communication unit and help show the benefits of the projects.
The volunteer will be carrying out communication activities, as following:
– Support with social network management;
– Support the website optimisation and management;
– Support in the organisation of programme events;
– Support for the development of engagement methodologies for partners and stakeholders;
– Develop strategies for the involvement of young people in the communication of the Programme.
Would you like to work as an external provider for the Joint Secretariat?
Check this section regularly to see whether there are public procurements you might be interested in.
There is no open tender at the moment.
Contact form
For technical questions concerning the calls, the monitoring tool Jems or the website, please read the FAQ and use the dedicated form in the Documents & Tools page.
For any other question, you can also contact the Joint Secretariat with the following form:
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