The information contained in this section has been provided by the national authority in 01/2025.
We invite you to contact your national contact point to check whether this information is the latest version available.
National Contact Point
National Control System
National Control System description
Portugal operates a decentralised control system.
Project partners are required to contract an independent and qualified controller from a shortlist provided and maintained by the OROC (Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas), which is approved by the approbation body. The list of ROC can be consulted via this link.
All document templates, useful information, and annexes related to the national controller approval procedure can be consulted on the AD&C website, accessible here: https://www.adcoesao.pt/fundos/cooperacao-territorial-europeia/interreg-vi/interreg-vi-reconhecimento-do-roc/
Beneficiaries are encouraged to contact the national controller approbation body to obtain editable templates whenever necessary.
Portuguese project partners must be aware of that once validated by the designated controller, the financial reports submitted by them may be subject to an additional verification by the Cohesion and Development Agency.