
Regional Development Agency for Central BiH – REZ looking to join a consortium

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  • #9668
    Adnan GazijaAdnan Gazija

    REZ Agency is Regional Development Agency for Central BiH Region, established in May 2004. The platform for establishment of the Agency was partnership between governmental and non-governmental institutions.
    Among founders there are the Zenica-Doboj Canton and Central Bosnia Canton, 15 municipalities and 15 business associations, from those two cantons, 1 international organization and 1 micro credit organization.
    Geographically, REZ covers 10.34% of BiH territory with approximately 600.000 inhabitants. The office of REZ Agency is located in Zenica, the geographical centre of the Region. Currently, REZ employs 7 competent and motivated people.

    REZ activities may be grouped in six fields/strategic sectors: Support to Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, Agriculture and Rural Development, Tourism Development, Business Infrastructure Development,
    Human Resources Development and Energy & Energy Efficiency.

    REZ continuously cooperates with its founders (municipalities and cantons), as well as with business community/SMEs sector through joint development and implementation of projects, development of strategic documents and has long-term experience in implementing projects, cooperation with municipalities, cantons, the private sector and different institutions and organisations.

    Since its establishment, REZ Agency has developed and implemented 67 projects related to the mentioned sectors, funded by different international and national donors. More detailed information can be found on our website
    We would like to express the interest of REZ Agency to participate as a partner in the project.
    We are specifically interested in test and transfer projects in the field of tourism, cultural and historical heritage and environment.

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