
Vila Real Municipality is looking for partners for municipal waste management

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  • #9135
    Anabela RebeloAnabela Rebelo

    Pay-As-You-Throw” (PAYT) systems are a clear financial incentive for citizens to promote separation at source and increase selective collection rates. It is therefore a fairer method that promotes a reduction in the undifferentiated fraction produced by each citizen and an increase in the separation of recyclable waste.

    Municipalities will pay for USW services according to the amount of waste they produce, under the motto “The more you pollute, the more you pay”.
    These systems are based on the application of two environmental policy principles: the polluter pays principle and the concept of shared responsibility. Both principles, presuppose that citizens are identified as agents involved in the chain of activities that lead to the production of waste, and that they should pay for the part of the costs corresponding to their share of responsibility in the consumption chain.

    Nexhmije VataNexhmije Vata

    Center of Albanian Development is interested in your project. Please contact us at so that we can send you a more detailed information regarding our institution.

    Azra ĆulovAzra Ćulov

    Regional Education and Information Centre – REIC is one of the leading organization for environmental consulting in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We have experience in developing different projects related to waste management. If you are interested, please feel free to contact us at or for more details.

    Ana MongeAna Monge

    Hello Anabela,

    We are contacting from EuroVértice, a Spanish consultancy specialized in European funding with more than 15 years of experience. We have long-lasting contracts to support the participation of our clients from Spain in EU projects aligned with their priorities.

    We would appreciate if you could share with us further details concerning your project idea such as a concept note or abstract, current partnership and next steps for the project’s preparation in order for us to provide you with our feedback and potential inputs.

    At the same time, we are open to scheduling an online meeting with you to discuss it via ZOOM at an appointed and convenient date.
    Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information from EuroVertice or any specific data to check the suitability of our client to your project partnership. We would be pleased to support you in the project development.

    Please contact: and

    Tamara UrbančičTamara Urbančič

    Secondary school in Postojna, Slovenija is very interested to participate. The school manages a dormitory and a hostel Proteus The school strives for sustainability and waste managment, which is why we are interested in this project. The school is closely connected with the local community, so activities can be extended from the school environment to the local environment. As the school is market-oriented and participates in more than 30 projects, it has good experience and a project office that can help in drawing up the application. Regards,

    Mrs. Tamara Urbančič
    project coordinator
    SGLŠ Postojna, Slovenija
    00386 40 525 629

    Svetoslav KyosevSvetoslav Kyosev

    Hello Anabela,

    My Municipality partners are interested to participate in Euro Med Programme.

    If you still need partners my contact data is below:

    Sincerely yours,
    Svetoslav KYOSEV
    Founder @RoBgteam
    Project manager, Municipality Silistra
    Expert crossborder projects, Municipality Svishtov
    Project manager, Municipality Tutrakan
    President – Youth Organization for European Silistra
    Vice President – Bilateral Chamber of Commerce Bulgaria-Romania
    Member of the Managing board – Tourist Fishing Club SIlistra
    Mediator, Ministry of Justice, Bulgaria, License 20120918003
    Romanian-Bulgarian Translator, Ministry of Justice, Romania, License 30344
    Bulgarian-Romanian Translator, Ministry of foreign affairs, Bulgaria

    Mail: /
    Mobile: BG +359 888 12 00 06 (Viber / WhatsApp)

    Angelos ParmatziasAngelos Parmatzias

    C.I.P. Citizens In Power (CIP) is a non-profit, educational and research organization. CIP constitutes a leading organization in Cyprus in global education, social innovation, citizen engagement, entrepreneurship, STEM, IoT, AI, clean energy and sustainable growth. CIP has been running more than 70 EU-funded projects, including KA2 & KA3 actions, AMIF, ENI CBC Med, COSME and Horizon Europe.
    Contact us at

    Alessia FinoriAlessia Finori

    Hello Anabela,
    I’m contacting you on behalf of GAL Molise:
    We are an Italian public private consortium made of 59 rural municipalities.
    We have experience on Interreg projects.
    We are interested to get involved as partner.
    If you still need partners, please contact me at

    Alessia Finori

    Innovation HiveInnovation Hive

    Dear Anabela,

    Innovation Hive is a non-profit organization, located in Larissa, Greece, with vast experience in implementing EU funding projects. Our organisation was established in 2020 and we are currently implementing 75 EU projects in various programs such as the LIFE, ERASMUS+, CERV, AMIF and HE. Our actions are aligned with the EU priorities and the green transition and through the well-established collaborations with regional and national Chambers and Municipalities, we aim to support our society to be acquainted with the application of new practices related to sustainable development.

    We would be pleased to provide our assistance in all phases of the project development. If the consortium has not been set up yet, do not hesitate to contact me:

    Balkan BridgeBalkan Bridge

    Hello Anabela,

    We from Balkan Bridge Bulgaria would like to indicate our interest as we have huge experience within the field of European projects including low-carbon and circular economy initiatives.
    More about our profile:

    Balkan Bridge is an organisation aiming to bring together the societies of the Balkans and to achieve cooperation and growth. The organisation’s mission is to cover the gaps of the Balkan area in terms of professional training, networking and research activities with the goal to transform Balkans to a sustainable ecosystem with a highly skilled human capital and businesses able to adapt to the needs of the society and the global trends.

    In order to achieve its goals, Balkan Bridge is providing consultancy services, training for the improvement of professional skills to individuals and corporate training for businesses in order to achieve teams’ growth and empowerment.

    Within this context, the main target groups of Balkan Bridge are:

    Individuals (incl. minorities such as migrants and refugees)
    SMEs (Small & Medium Enterprises)
    Educational Institutes
    Policy Makers

    Contact us on:

    Francesca CassaroFrancesca Cassaro

    Good afternoon,

    I am writing to you on behalf of the Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Nutrition at the University of Padua. It would be necessary to go deeper into the structure of the project, but professors and researchers could contribute to the development of innovations for food quality, preservation, product origin, and the reuse of production chain waste for the circular economy. For more information:

    Mario ShahiniMario Shahini

    Dear Anabela,

    I am writing on behalf of the Regional Council Durres, a regional public authority covering 3 municipalities in Albania, with a successful and vast experience of participating in EU projects. Our institution is involved in implementing sustainable economy, tourism and environmental policies at a regional level, therefore making your project idea very relevant to our institution and region. Please do not hesitate to contact me at for further communications.

    Best regards

    Mario Shahini

    Kreo AssociationKreo Association

    Dear Anabela,

    Kreo Association has a big network of different stakeholders and municipalities in Albania. If you are interested to find ways of collaboration, please contact us at

    Best Regards,

    Kreo Association

    Danilo CrastollaDanilo Crastolla


    I saw your post in the partner search tool .
    I like your proposal and I will be delighted to supply to you ITALIAN and GREEK partners.
    On the other hand stay tuned because we can cooperate for many other calls and programmes for which we are working with. If you agree send me an email to and i can share all partner’s details.

    We can also cooperate for any EU calls including Interreg Europe, Next Med, Euro Med, Cerv, Daphne, Crea, Horizon etc

    Best regards
    Danilo Crastolla
    0039 371 4482444

    Diego De GaetanoDiego De Gaetano

    Good morning Hannabela,
    I am chairman of an Italian start-up that operates in the research and development sector and in the engineering of processes for the valorisation of waste and processing waste from the electronics industry.
    We currently own a patent relating to a process for extracting critical materials from electronic boards. We are filing three more patents:
    a) system for the automatic separation and processing of waste from undifferentiated collection;
    b) plant for the recycling of coffee capsules and pods;
    c) plant for the collection and recycling of expired medicines with separation of the active ingredients from commercial packaging materials.
    We are interested in making our technologies and technical skills available, both to participate in international tenders and to initiate transnational collaborations with entities interested in the development of the aforementioned systems.
    We are also interested in being part of a consortium aimed at participating in any EU tender.
    Best regards
    Diego De Gaetano

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