
MUNICIPALITY OF POSTOJNA, SLOVENIA – looking to join a consortium

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  • #9037
    maja piskurmaja piskur

    Municipality is a local public authority who has many years of experience in project management and coordination. A task group has been set up with professionals from the law, finance, construction, investment, urban planning and IT fields of expertise, and a PR officer, which enables the Municipality to conduct all project management stages on its own. The municipality has many years of experience in the field of project management and coordination. A working group was established with experts in the field of law, finance, construction, investment, urbanism and informatics, as well as a public relations officer, which enables the Municipality to independently carry out all phases of project management. In the last 10 years, we have participated in more than 30 projects co-financed by the European Cohesion Funds and Cooperation Programs (Interreg). As a leading partner in WP5 of the HERA project (IPA Adriatic), we have gained experience and competencies of a leading partner, we are currently project partners in the Interreg IT-SLO 2014-2020 program on CROSSIT SAFER, VISFRIM, WASTE DESIGN and GREVISLIN projects and project partners in ARRIVAL REGIONS, Interreg program Central Europe 2014-2020, project Smart Tourism Destination. The municipality also successfully participates in projects at the local and regional level: Business Incubator Veliki Otok, Construction and arrangement of roads Hruševje-Orehek-Prestranek, Kosovelova-Tržaška-Reška ulica, Library Beno Zupančič Postojna, construction of broadband EC, Notranjska Museum, Cultural Center Planina, KRAS.RE.VITA.

    Should you need a reliable and experienced partner from Slovenia, please contact us at:

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