Our approach

Interreg Euro-MED supports projects, initiatives and policies related to climate change and the environment in line with the priorities and specific objectives set out by the European Commission for the Cohesion policy. The Programme decided to embed such objectives into missions for a more comprehensive approach.

Four missions have been identified. They pull together different thematic issues and initiatives to reach goals that isolated projects could not reach otherwise. Each project has to contribute to one mission pursuing one of the specific objectives selected by the Programme.

Innovative sustainable


Natural heritage

Green living areas

Sustainable tourism

You can find more information about our missions here: Our Missions



From the numerous funding priorities and specific objectives proposed by the European Commission for 2021-2027, Interreg Euro-MED selected 3 priorities and 5 specific objectives:

  • Priority 1  – A Smarter Mediterranean
    Specific objective 1.1: Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies
  • Priority 2 – A Greener Mediterranean
    Specific objective 2.4: Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system-based approaches
    Specific objective 2.6: Promoting the transition to a circular and resource efficient economy
    Specific objective 2.7: Enhancing protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure including in urban areas and reducing all forms of pollution
  • Priority 3 – Mediterranean Governance
    Specific objective 6.6: Actions to support better cooperation governance

For detailed information about the priorities and specific objectives selected by the Programme, you can read the Cooperation Programme.

Types of projects


The Programme supports 2 types of projects:

  • Thematic projects that contribute to the Smarter and Greener priorities;
  • Governance projects that fit the Governance priority.


Thematic projects are divided into 4 categories:

  • Study projects perform analyses to better address a thematic issue and open the door to the development of new instruments, policies, strategies, and action plans.
  • Test projects experiment common instruments, policies, strategies and action plans already developed to validate concrete solutions to be transferred.
  • Transfer projects optimise and share validated common instruments, policies, strategies and actions plans to have the stakeholders adopt them.
  • Strategic territorial projects conduct studies, test solutions and transfer results addressing the strategic topics of a specific typology of territories.

Each project implementing actions to fulfil the selected specific objective contributes to one of the 4 Programme missions that tackle challenges of greater importance.


Governance projects consist of 2 categories:

  • Thematic Community projects facilitate the exchanges and the development of synergies between thematic projects. They develop technical knowledge embedding the results of the projects and strategies to support the effective transfer of their results to other territories or stakeholders.
  • Institutional Dialogue projects support the effective cooperation of all stakeholders concerned by the Programme missions in the Mediterranean. They optimise the conditions for the transfer and the mainstreaming of the project results into practices and public policies to improve the governance at transnational level within and beyond the Programme area.




There will be one Thematic community project and one Institutional Dialogue project for each of the four missions and for the whole duration of the programming period.

Both aim at amplifying and increasing impact of the projects’ results, transferring them into the practices and mainstreaming them into public policies.

Our projects

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Since 2014, we co-funded 142 projects with a total of 715 partners focusing on Innovation, Low-carbon Economy, Natural and Cultural Resources and Governance. Discover our 2014-20 projects by clicking on the link below.

Our project results

Learn more about the solutions designed by our 2014-20 projects, their activities, their results and achievements. In this section, you will access the projects deliverable library (methodologies, studies, guidelines…) and explore their success stories.