
Eco-Incubate, Partnering for a Sustainable Future


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  • #27256
    Abil BaushAbil Baush

    INNOX Innovation Centre from North Macedonia.
    Eco-Incubate is a strategic initiative to establish eco-incubators that will support startups and SMEs in developing circular economy solutions. The project focuses on rural and island territories within the Mediterranean, which are particularly vulnerable to environmental challenges such as waste management and resource scarcity.
    Our primary objective is to create a network of eco-incubators that will serve as hubs for innovation in sustainability. By providing mentorship, funding, and a collaborative platform, we aim to accelerate the development and scaling of eco-friendly business models. Our unwavering commitment to reducing environmental pressures in the region by fostering a transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy is at the core of our mission.
    Leadership and Coordination: INNOX will lead the project and ensure effective collaboration among all partners to efficiently meet its objectives.
    Establishment of Eco-Incubators: We will strategically establish these incubators, equipped with the necessary infrastructure to support innovation and growth in sustainability-focused startups.
    Mentorship and Capacity Building: A comprehensive mentorship program will be provided, connecting startups with experts in the circular economy. This program will include workshops, one-on-one mentoring, and tailored training modules.
    Innovation Support and Funding: We will develop a funding mechanism to support early-stage startups, facilitating their access to the financial resources required to bring their innovations to market.
    Knowledge Transfer and Replication: We plan to create a toolkit for replicating the eco-incubator model in other Mediterranean regions, ensuring that the project’s impact extends beyond the initial target areas.
    Collaboration is critical to Eco-Incubate’s success. We want to partner with organisations that share our commitment to sustainability and innovation. By joining us, you can contribute to creating lasting value in the Mediterranean region, driving economic growth and environmental sustainability. Your expertise and resources could significantly enhance the effectiveness of our eco-incubators, making them more successful in achieving their goals.
    Abil Baush
    CEO & Co-founder on INNOX

    • This topic was modified 1 week, 1 day ago by Abil BaushAbil Baush.
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