Call 5
Thematic Strategic Territorial projects

This call targets exclusively Thematic Strategic Territorial projects.

These projects should respond to the needs and joint challenges of a specific type of territory addressing identified strategic topics.
Thus, they primarily produce a territorial impact, based on involving all relevant stakeholders to trigger tailor-made solutions or strategies in line with the territory and the topic chosen. Those should be adapted for the targeted type of territory and be able to influence national, regional or local policies by studying (developing), testing and transferring jointly developed solutions or strategies.

For this purpose, thematic strategic Territorial projects shall combine: conducting studies, testing solutions and transferring results.

More information in the Terms of reference here below.

Programme priorities and specific objectives

Projects must be aligned with the Programme priorities (Priority 1: A Smarter Mediterranean & Priority 2: A Greener Mediterranean) and its specific objectives as follows:

The candidates must choose one mission to focus their project on.

Applying to the call

The Terms of reference, applicable for the 4 missions, set out the specific criteria expected for this call for proposals for territorial strategic projects. 

The call 5 will be carried out in 2 phases: pre-application and full application. Only projects proposals selected at the end of the pre-application phase will be able to apply to the full application phase.
Applications are possible only during the dates of the call (cf. calendar below). Outside this period, no application will be considered.

Applications must be submitted online via Jems, the monitoring system developed by Interact. It is available for all applicants and partners at:
To help you use Jems, you can read the user manual.

The programme’s Monitoring Committee decides which projects to approve.

Download the terms of reference and the courtesy pre-application form for more information.
We also strongly recommend you to read the Cooperation Programme and the Programme Manual.

You may also visit the Documents&Tools section to find more information and documents that will help you in your overall understanding of the Programme and its calls for proposals.






Here is the timetable detailing the key stages for submitting your proposals and its assessment :
Key Steps Dates
1st application phase: PRE-APPLICATION  
Opening of the pre-application phase 18/06/2024 at 13.00 Brussels time
Closure of the pre-application phase 26/09/2024 at 13.00 Brussels time
Submission of mandatory annexes 26/09/2024
Assessment of pre-application October – November 2024
Pre-selection by the Monitoring Committee 03/12/2024 
2nd application phase : FULL APPLICATION  
Opening of the full application phase 14/01/2025 at 13.00 Brussels time
Closure of the full application phase 28/02/2025 at 13.00 Brussels time
Submission of mandatory annexes 14/03/2025
Assessment of full application Between March and May 2025
Selection by the Monitoring Committee June 2025
Pre-contracting and contracting procedures July-October 2025
Starting date of the projects 01/09/2025

* This calendar is subject to change without notice.


Information session (12/12/2024) – Second phase

An information session regarding the second phase procedures (full application) has been held on December 12th 2024 online.

Check out the PPT presentation presented during the session!

At this moment, the call is in the 2nd phase of application so all the information an applicant needs to know has been said during the information session. You may watch again the video below to find out more if you missed the session:




On December 3, 2024, the Monitoring Committee concluded its review of applications for the Thematic Strategic Territorial Projects call. Out of 91 pre-applications received, 25 have been selected to advance to Phase 2.

List of results

All Lead Partners will be officially informed of the decision in the coming days. If you do not receive a notification, please contact the Joint Secretariat at: