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Second Edition of the Mediterranean Awards


The Andalusian Regional Government, through the Three Cultures of the Mediterranean Foundation, has launched the call for the 2nd Edition of the Mediterranean Awards, under the auspices of the Intermediterranean Commission of the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR).

The Mediterranean Awards were created in 2021 as a way to highlight the best practices in the Mediterranean in the areas included in the European and Mediterranean agenda. The idea behind these awards is to recognise the work of individuals and/or institutions, companies and other organisations that have contributed to boosting the Mediterranean identity, promoting sustainable and integrated development on its shores, fostering peace, intercultural and interreligious dialogue in the Mediterranean basin. In short, it’s about focusing on our common points to better overcome our differences. 

At the first edition in 2022, the Mediterranean Youth Council was awarded the Mediterranean Identity Prize in recognition of its work with young people and its contribution to major regional debates.

The call for this 2nd Edition is open until 18 June 2024.

More information on the Mediterranean Award website.