Interreg Euro-MED

We are a European Territorial Cooperation Programme that aims to make the Mediterranean region smarter and greener and improve the governance between its stakeholders. We provide funds for projects developed and managed by public administrations, universities, private and civil society organisations.

M€ Total budget

partner countries

million inhabitants


we work

Our Programme cooperation area includes 69 regions of 14 countries from the Northern shore of the Mediterranean: 10 EU Member States and 4 countries from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).



Interreg Euro-MED supports projects, initiatives and policies related to climate change and the environment in line with the priorities and specific objectives set out by the European Commission for the Cohesion policy. The Programme decided to embed such objectives into missions for a more comprehensive approach.

Four missions have been identified. For more information about each of them, click on the arrow here below.

Strengthening an innovative sustainable economy

Protecting, restoring and valorising the natural environment and heritage

Promoting green living areas

Enhancing sustainable tourism






How to find partners

Do you have a project idea and are looking for partners to implement it? Sign up to our forum!

Training Center

Interreg Euro-MED Academy

Discover the Interreg Euro-MED Academy, an open-access learning space where you can learn from the knowledge, competences and the results of the Interreg MED Projects.


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